Gardeners who have crows or jackdaws are being urged to help (Image: Getty)
Anyone who still has crows or jackdaws visiting their garden in the winter is being warned to stop raking up the leaves in their garden – because they’re vital to feed the birds.
During the cold months, many birds struggle to find enough nutrition to sustain themselves.
Recent new figures released by Defra show bird populations have declined in the UK by 7% since 2018, and this ‘alarming’ drop has been put down to habitat loss as well as pesticide use and climate change.
With birds struggling with a loss of habitat and a loss of food, are being warned not to rake up leaves that many birds rely on to find food.
Posting on , one gardener, u/BrownShoesGreenCoat said: “I feel like this jackdaw is judging me for neglecting my garden over winter.”
But others quickly pointed out that in fact, they have actually helped out the jackdaws or other types of crow in their garden this winter by failing to sweep up the leaves.
User u/hi- replied: “It’s really quite happy you’ve left some leaves around actually. Bugs love chilling under dead leaves. I’m sure he’d be kinda upset if you took the snack bar away tbh.
“He probably tuts that you don’t even check for bugs properly when you do clean up.”
This advice is echoed by wildlife groups.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust says: “Birds often forage through leaf litter to find insects and seeds. By leaving leaves on the ground, you’re creating a natural buffet for our feathered friends during the lean winter months.”
Not only do the leaves benefit birds, but they can also boost your soil too, making it easier to grow when spring returns.
They continued: “As leaves decompose, they enrich the soil with organic matter, improving its structure and fertility. This leads to healthier plants and a more vibrant garden come spring.
“A layer of leaves acts as a natural blanket, insulating the soil and plant roots from extreme temperature fluctuations. This helps protect plants and provides a warmer environment for hibernating animals.”
They added that gardeners have three options to help boost wildlife with leaves in winter.
Firstly, “Leave It Be”. In less manicured areas of your , simply let the leaves lie where they fall.
Or, create leaf piles, deliberately gathering leaves into piles or compost bins to create specific habitats for wildlife.
Finally, shred leaves to create mulch to scatter on garden beds, which will also help enrich soil.