Bradley Walsh returned to the helm on The Chase (Image: ITV)
fans struggled to switch off after the gameshow took an unexpected turn for the worse.
During Friday’s visit to the studios, host Bradley Walsh returned to the helm as he welcomed four new hopefuls onto the teatime show. The 64-year-old welcomed Faith, George, Anne and Jamie onto the show to put their general knowledge to the test.
The quartet went up against Daragh ‘The Menace’ Ennis who certainly brought his A-game to the table. First up to the podium was Faith who raked in an impressive £7,000 in the cash builder, however she buckled under the pressure and was booted from the show in the head-to-head round.
Next to take on the challenge was Anne from Pontypool who won a respectable £4,000 but she also struggled to beat the professional quizzer in the nail-biting round.
Following in his teammates footsteps was player George who failed to beat the Irish quizzer after raking in £5,000. Finally stepping up to the challenge was Jamie from Liverpool who only managed to correctly answer one question correctly.
Each player struggled to make it through to the final round (Image: ITV)
The doting dad was also caught out by The Chaser, which forced the team to nominate one player to compete in the final round on their behalf for a chance of winning £1,000 each.
Faith was selected to compete on their behalf where she was tasked to answer as many questions as she could correctly in two minutes. Impressively, the scientist correctly answered 14 questions right, however the Irish star caught her with 30 seconds remaining.
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