Keep herbs fresher for longer with chef’s simple trick using one kitchen essential

Fresh organic aromatic and culinary herbs

Keep your herbs fresh for weeks with chef’s kitchen roll hack (Image: Getty)

Culinary experts have shared a nifty to help make herbs stay fresher for weeks after you’ve bought them.

Chefs at Cookery School have been divulging some of their secrets, including how they make sure all of their herbs have longevity.

The cookery school captioned its video: “Say goodbye to sad sweaty herbs and hello to fresh happy ones. Key trick is to make you sure keep the cloth/paper towel damp every couple of days – don’t let it dry out!”

So, what do you need to do?

Firstly, remove the herbs from their packets and wrap them neatly in a piece of roll.

Fresh coriander wrapped in paper towel

Soak the kitchen roll under and tap and then place them in the fridge (Image: Getty)

Then,soak the wrapped herbs under cold running water until the kitchen towel becomes damp but not soaking.

The experts then placed them in a metal tub in the fridge, assuring that the herbs will stay fresh for weeks.

If you don’t want to use kitchen roll, you can also use a J cloth, which is a a reusable, absorbent cloth that will retain the water.

Waitrose Cookery School’s video has already been viewed over 41,500 times, with a number of people praising the hack.

Hannah said: “Such a good idea!!”

Ella wrote, “So fresh and so clean clean,” while SM commented, “I wrap mine up in old t-shirts.”


Say goodbye to sad sweaty herbs and hello to fresh happy ones. Key trick is to make you sure keep the cloth/paper towel damp every couple of days – dont let it dry out! @Waitrose & Partners

Another agreed: “Works for lettuce and other too!”

Euphrose wrote: “I think you just changed my life.”

also recommended placing the herbs in a tightly sealed container or resealable bag, that way it will prevent oxygen from entering and the leaves from wilting.

Using a damp kitchen roll helps to re-moisten the herbs, preventing them from drying out.

This will allow herbs to stay fresh for up to two to three weeks.

also suggested using a fibre (cotton) cloth, as this allows the herbs to breathe, so they don’t spoil.

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