Air fryers fans could be losing money if they use them for certain foods

owners opting to use the gadget for cooking instead of an oven could be losing out on cash savings.

It’s important to use the right when cooking, if you want to save money.

And using air fryers or microwaves could be less cost effective than using an oven and those from Ninja and Tower may be costing them more to run.

While some Brits might think it’s cheaper to run an air fryer, it actually depends on the air fryer’s size, which determines how much energy it uses.

The nifty devices might be super convenient, but they’re not neccessarily cheaper.


A person holding an air fryer

In recent years, air fryers have become popular (Image: Getty Images)

Families should think twice before ditching their more traditional appliances when they are trying to save some cash.

According to , you can use one simple equation to calculate how much electricity your air fryer is using.

Simply multiply the device’s wattage by the number of hours you use it per day, and divide this number by 1000 to get the daily kilowatt-hour.

For example, if you use a 1500W air fryer for an average of one hour per day, it will use roughly 1.5 kilowatts (kW) of electricity when you use it. Most air fryers use between 1.4 and 1.7kWh (kilowatts of energy per hour).

In 2022, Martin Lewis said “cost savings will soon be lost” for those using the wrong appliance when cooking, reports .

He said: “A microwave I believe, from memory, a best guess explanation, a microwave gives you consistent heat whereas an oven is warming up to full temperature and then topping it up so it isn’t running at full power the whole time.”

He continued to say: “But if you’re doing a jacket potato for 10 minutes it’s going to be far cheaper [in the microwave] than doing a single jacket potato in an oven and keeping it on for an hour and a half.

“However if you were doing a full roast dinner and you were cooking many of them, that is where it’s probably cheaper than putting five or six jacket potatoes in a microwave because each additional object you put in a microwave, you need to keep it on longer because a microwave just heats the individual object.

“General equation is, find the wattage of an item, then work out how many kilowatts or what fraction of a kilowatt it’s using, then multiply that by 34p per hour of use.”

The same advice can be applied to air fyers and halogen cookers.

A woman putting food into a microwave

Using a microwave could also work out more expensive (Image: Getty Images)


According to , there are times when an oven might be a better choice. For example, if you are cooking for a large group of people or if you are cooking multiple dishes.

When cooking bigger meals like roasts, these take longer and it’s also better to use an oven in this case.

If you are planning on batch-cooking meals for the next few days, you can cook them all at once in the oven instead of one at a time in the air fryer.

have become hugely popular over the last few years due to their convenience.

The devices can cook food quickly and saving time is an important aspect of cooking for many Brits.

But this isn’t the only reason people love them so much – they also allow those who enjoy cooking to get more creative with their meals and many have shared online.

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