Reversing into your drive can be a safer option (Image: Getty)
For many homeowners, having a driveway is a convenient luxury, but what’s often overlooked is that there’s a specific Highway Code rule governing its use, which many drivers may be breaking daily.
Rule 201 of the , which includes a section on reversing, advises: “When using a driveway, reverse in and drive out if you can.” This means you should avoid pulling forward into your drive when you get home.
A motoring expert weighed in on the little-known rule: “According to the rules of the road, drivers should reverse into their driveways rather than driving in forward and reversing out later. While there’s no specific law against it, reversing onto a busy road can be seen as careless and inconsiderate driving, especially if it causes an obstruction or puts other road users at risk.”
They explained the reasoning behind the rule: “When you reverse into your driveway, you have a clear view of approaching traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists. But when backing out onto the road, your line of sight is often limited, making it harder to spot hazards.”
Getting a stranger’s car towed could lead to legal trouble (Image: Getty)
Additionally, the has provided guidance for individuals who come home to find a stranger’s car parked in their driveway. After exploring the laws surrounding driveways, they came to the conclusion that while parking on someone else’s drive is technically trespassing, the police are unlikely to intervene, as it is a civil rather than a criminal offense.
Parking enforcement is no longer under the jurisdiction of the police, but rather local councils who issue penalty charge notices for parking offences on public roads. However, if a vehicle is parked on private property, such as your driveway, it falls outside their remit.
The RAC advises attempting to resolve the issue amicably if possible. You should never damage or clamp the car, as this could lead to you getting into legal trouble. Similarly, hiring a private towing firm could result in problems if the vehicle gets damaged.
The council will only issue a penalty charge notice (PCN) if the vehicle is on a public road (Image: Getty)
The Ask The Police website warns against damaging/clamping the vehicle or having it removed by a third party for destruction or storage without first seeking legal advice. Doing so could potentially lead to criminal charges or civil action from the owner.
They strongly advise against simply pushing the vehicle onto a road and leaving it there, as this could result in multiple offences.
According to the Ask The Police website: “Don’t damage/clamp the vehicle or have it removed by a third party for destruction or storage without first seeking legal advice. If you do any of these things, you may commit a criminal offence or the owner may pursue a civil action against you. Under no circumstances would we advocate you merely pushing the vehicle on to a road and leaving it there as you may commit a number of offences.”
Legal options are available, although pursuing civil proceedings through court can be a lengthy and expensive process. If the car appears to be abandoned, the council may intervene, but only if the vehicle has been left for a significant period, is untaxed, and is clearly unroadworthy.
Lastly, the RAC advises that: “If the car is leaking petrol, contains dangerous items such as gas bottles or is parked dangerously, call 999 straight away.”