Keir Starmer can take a leaf out of Trump’s book (Image: Getty)
So when Keir Starmer sticks his head ostrich-like in the sand and ignores the British people screaming at him to do something about illegal immigration maybe he should look Stateside at the new leader of the free world, and see how easy it was for him to deport illegal immigrants and criminals.
Trump did exactly as he said he would in his inauguration speech and rounded up 88 Columbians who had entered America illegally and told them they were going home. He put them onto two separate military planes despite the screams from Columbian President, Gustav Petro, who told him his people must be treated with humanity and dignity.
Petro argued that military planes, which are good enough to fly American military all over the world, weren’t good enough or comfortable enough and the deportees should have been put on civilian planes.
Trump ignored him.
“A migrant is not a criminal,” Petro piously announced as he – at first – refused permission to let the planes land in Brazil.
Well actually they ARE criminals if they enter a country illegally and don’t pay taxes. And as Trump’s Border Czar, Tom Hoffman, said this week the people they had prioritised for deportation were those believed to be a threat to the safety of the American people. So, yes, some, of them very definitely would have been criminals. And if they come here illegally they almost certainly wouldn’t have been paying taxes.
Petro tried the all the emotional blackmail nonsense – which we in this country would have swallowed like a shot – about how it was inhumane to throw them out as many had been living in the U.S. for years. How wrong it was to have them in handcuffs (did he not think they’d been put in handcuffs in case they kicked off and started to riot on the plane ?)
But Trump’s response was clear and unequivocal: “If you don’t take back these people I’ll smack you with punitive tariffs.”
He said the first one would be an immediate 25% tariff on Columbian goods and within a week that would be increased to 50%. He also promised more sanctions and said, “This is only the beginning.”
And guess what? Within a couple of hours not only had Columbia caved and agreed to take back their people they’d also agreed to an “unrestricted acceptance of all illegal clients from the United States”.
Not that surprising when you know that trade between the two countries is worth around £42B.
So THAT’S what playing hardball gets you. And isn’t that the undisputed glory on Trump? He didn’t actually have to do ANYTHING he just had to threaten and the Columbian Government weren’t going to take the chance of losing billions of pounds in trade.
Trump was clever. He used the clout at his disposal – and won! It’s smart move that takes guts which is why it’ll never happen here because Starmer isn’t smart and he doesn’t have the guts.
If he did he’d immediately disengage us from the clutches of the ECH and R do what’s best for our country and the safety its people.
But we all know he won’t.
Two cases this week demonstrate just how weaselly this Government is when it comes to deporting criminals. First, failed Albanian asylum seeker, Ramzan Morina, has been allowed to stay here thanks to the ECHR because his lawyers argued that his wife’s two children by ANOTHER MAN – might need him.
Then a Jamaican drug dealer in his 40’s, who came here when he was 14 and has now been granted anonymity to protect him, has served FIVE separate jail terms for dealing crack cocaine and heroin. And while he qualified for deportation the ECHR said he must be allowed to stay because his daughter, who has other issues, MAY also be trans and will need to talk to him.
Have you ever head such confected nonsense in your life? If that man’s daughter does turn out to be trans there are people far more qualified to help her through her transition than her drug dealing Father. And whatever her other issues she might have has no-one considered they may have been caused by a Father who has a conviction for battering her Mother?
As long as the ECHR has control over our laws we will never be able to control our borders or return dangerous foreign criminals who have, and will continue to hurt British people.
In order to get elected Kier Starmer promised us he’d stop illegal immigration, smash the gangs and close all the migrant hotels. He lied. The numbers are higher than eve, he’s opening more migrant hotels and the gangs are still flourishing.
Starmer will never have the cajónes to do what’s needed to control immigration here and by the time he’s kicked out in four years’ time this country will be unrecognisable.
He needs to look to Europe to see what happens to parties that ignore the problems of immigration.
Germany’s Social Democrats are facing defeat. Austria is about to get its first Government led by a hard Right party since the war. Macron is all but finished thanks to Marine Le Pen’s party and Italy has gone to the Right under Giorgia Meloni.
We’re told Trump may soon make a state visit to Britain. Let’s hope that some of whatever it is he’s got passes onto Starmer. Let’s hope The Donald can make a coward with no ideas brave and smart.
But I’m not holding my breath!