Roses are red, violets are blue, one little girl used Valentine’s Day to give a performance review.
Jasmin Jackson remembers feeling proud when her 7-year-old daughter, Lailah, made Valentine’s Day cards to pass out at school.
“I was like, ‘Look at her taking initiative,” Jackson tells “She even got her class list so that she wouldn’t forget anyone.”
“Luca… Stay cool,” the first-grader wrote. “Oliver… you’re smart. Victoria… you’re a good girl. Jaxon… You’re amazing.”
But not everyone received the conversation heart treatment. A boy named Conor got some tough love.
“Conor… Do better,” Lailah urged in pink magic marker.
“I was like, ‘Oh my God, Lailah! What did he do?’ And she starts talking about how he doesn’t pay attention and the teacher is always asking him to sit down,” Jackson recalls. “She said, ‘Mom, I just think he needs to do better.'”
“I made her make him a new card,” Jackson adds.
“Hallmark needs to sell this card for a lot of Conors out there,” one person wrote after Jackson shared Lailah’s Valentines on TikTok.
- “My son got, ‘You’re a good friend. Kind of.”
- “Teacher here…One of my students wrote on a boy’s card ‘Happy Valentine’s Day. You’re an A-hole.'”
- “As an experienced teacher, I can confirm that the Conors always need to do better.”
- “It’s positive encouragement! Conor, she has faith in you.”
- “Thank God I checked my son’s before they went out. He made frown faces on the kids he doesn’t like.”
- “My daughter couldn’t find a card that fit one of her classmates and asked me if they made any that say, ‘Rude Dude.’”
The card incident took place in 2023, but goes viral every February. Lailah’s family has since relocated to West Virginia, but Jackson is hopeful that Conor is doing better now that he’s a little older. As for Lailah? She’s exactly the same.