Over-tourism has become a serious concern for those in Majorca (Image: Getty)
Officials in are planning more restrictions on amid plans to cut down the amount of cruise ships at the island’s main port.
Palma is one of the top cruise ship ports in the Mediterranean, attracting millions of passengers per year, including some of the biggest cruise ships in the world.
has become a serious concern for officials on the island, with a growing local backlash against holidaymakers – but it seems cruise ship numbers are only going to continue increasing.
As calls for restrictions grow louder, locals will be disappointed to hear that in 2025, 541 cruise ships are scheduled for Palma putting the total number of passengers at 1.8 million. Compared to 2024, there will be 47 more ships and 41,000 more passengers.
Calls are growing louder for the reduction of cruse ship numbers (Image: Getty)
In 2021, the Balearic Government agreed with cruise operators to of ships arriving to three per day until 2026 with only one being allowed to carry more than 5,000 passengers and a weekly limit was established.
This agreement was valid for five years and will soon expire prompting the parliamentary commission for tourism to urge the government to resume negotiations for a renewal of the agreement which could possibily see harsher limits.
It was agreed that on average 2,500 passengers would arrive per day. The agreement which was intended to reduce the number of “mega” cruise ships intended to stagger ship arrivals.
In 2021 the Balearic Government agreed with cruise operators to cut the numberof ships (Image: Getty)
At the time, the Balearic government referred to the decision as “historic” after “two years of constant negotiations” with the cruise lines that operate in the Balearic Islands.
However, this limit proved ineffective as often more than three ships were permitted each day.
The Balearic Ports Authority forecasts that the daily average of 2,500 will be surpassed by more than three times this year and the limit will be exceeded every month from March to November.
Lasy year Més per Mallorca (More for Majorca) created a plan to slash the amount of accommodation available to reduce the number of tourists by upto 40%.
These measures aim to facilitate the “regrowth” of tourism in . They include limiting the number of tourist beds – and the number of tourists allowed.