The final episode SAS Rogue Heroes airs tonight at 9pm on BBC One (Image: BBC )
Amelia Hartley was in charge of the music selected for the hit drama which features artists like AC/DC, The Cult and The Damned.
SAS Rogue Heroes depicts the origins of the British Army Special Air Service, and the majority of the characters featured were based on those who started it.
Amelia said: “With most of the dramas that one works on, one sort of looks at the narrative, the characters and what you’re trying to achieve with the music.
“And I think the boys of the SAS were insanely brave and probably, maybe, didn’t find normal society a place they excelled, like they do in war, so maybe that made them slightly on the fringes. It’s slightly anarchistic, so it sort of was already bringing us towards rock punk, because it’s reflected in that genre of music, if that makes sense.
“Add to that the chaos of war and what they went through – they saw some terrible things – it’s adding to that chaotic sort of feel.”
AC/DC feature heavily in the acclaimed drama and Amelia hopes that meant they were happy with being connected to it as they don’t always allow their songs to be used.
Amelia Hartley (Image: Amelia Hartley LinkedIn)
The talented musician, who also worked on the global smash 20s gangster series Peaky Blinders with both shows’ creator Stephen Knight, revealed he “loves music” and was easy to collaborate with.
But she had to be careful when choosing to use modern music in a period piece.
“Music supervision is a very collaborative process. So I’m there to help the director and the editor with their choices, but we will work together to come up with the soundtrack for the show so it matches everything the drama needs,” she said.
“I love Stephen and he’s a massive music fan, so he’s really supportive of everything that me and the directors tried to do on all of his shows. It’s great working with him.
“I think you do have to be quite careful, because you don’t want to do anything that’s going to jar with the viewers. You want something that’s going to help them enjoy it more.”
And she revealed her favourite five tracks from the series were Adolescents – Rip It Up; AC/DC – If You Want Blood; The Cure – World War; The Clash – I Fought the Law and Stiff Little Fingers – Gotta Gettaway.
● The final episode SAS Rogue Heroes airs tonight at 9pm on One.
AC/DC feature heavily in the soundtrack (Image: Pete Still/Redferns)
Adolescents: Rip It Up
AC/DC: If You Want Blood
The Cure: World War
The Clash: I Fought The Law
Stiff Little Fingers: Gotta Gettaway