A cute German Spitz puppy (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
A professional dog walker who has looked after hundreds of people’s pets over the years and runs a string of pet hotels across the Home Counties has revealed which breed is “the happiest dog in the world”.
Amber Foston, who runs , a community of hosts across Hertfordshire, Bedforshire and Kent offering dog boarding and walking services, says the German Spitz is the happiest dog there is.
“I instantly smile when I see their face, mouth always open teeth grinning like a human,” she said.
The German Spitz is a long-haired, double-coated breed of Spitz-type dog; the five varieties vary significantly in size.
German Spitz dogs were originally kept on farms for a number of roles including herding and guarding. As the centuries progressed some lines were bred to be smaller for other duties and eventually as small companion dogs as they are today.
Amber describes them as attentive, lively and exceptionally devoted and very teachable and easy to train.
Professional dog walker Amber Foston (Image: Amber Foston)
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The Kennel Club says German Spitz breeds are thought to be descendants of larger Spitz dogs brought from Scandinavia by the Vikings.
The Germans divide the breed into several sizes: two of these are recognised by The Kennel Club; the larger Mittel and smaller Klein. They share the same Breed Standard, divided only by size. Any colour or combination of colours is permitted which is part of the breed’s attraction. Highly intelligent and full of character, they have become very popular.
The German Spitz is the ancestor of the Pomeranian, the smallest of the Spitz breeds.
But while the cute little Spitz with its ever-smiling face comes in first as the world’s happiest dog there are others hot on its furry heels.
Amber added: “Sausage dogs are so happy and they have a wiggle bum when they walk which is irresistible.
“Golden retrievers always running through the grass, fur wafting in the wind – they always have a tongue out and happy eyes.
“Spaniels are happy 24/7, never a dull day in a spaniel’s world. Happy to see any human, happy to eat, happy to walk. Always ready to go with whatever you’re doing as an owner they just want to be with people.
“Then there is the Kokoni, a breed I’d never heard of until a friend homed one. They have the cutest little face, always happy, spinning in circles and love to play. The size of dog you just want to squeeze and cuddle.”
A Red Miniature German Spitz dog (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
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