This five-step recipe will give you the best banana bread (Image: Getty)
is one of those treats you just can’t go wrong with – no matter the time of day or season, it never disappoints.
But do you know what’s better than banana bread? A one.
However, that is not something everyone can master.
Fret not, as this is about to change everything. This melt-in-your-mouth version will surely bring satisfaction to your bellies and make use of those bananas that are close to being rid of.
With some oil, eggs, mashed , flour, sugar, some custard powder, salt and baking soda, you’ll have yourself a delicious banana bread.
And even though the serves eight, if you’re not careful, you might struggle to share it.
To get you even more in the mood, the five-step is super easy, so there are no excuses.
The first thing you’ll want to do is preheat the oven to 325F, which is equivalent to around 180C or gas mark 3.
Next, combine two-thirds of a cup of oil, four large eggs and two cups of mashed ripe bananas and give it a good mix.
Once that’s done, combine the remaining ingredients – that would be two cups of flour, two cups of sugar, 100 grams of custard powder, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking powder.
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Make sure the bananas you used a ripe (Image: Getty)
Go ahead and grease and flour your loaf or cake tin, following up with baking paper because the last thing we want is the bread getting stuck to the dish.
It’s recommended to use two 9 x 5 x 3-inch tins or four mini loaves. The timing will vary depending on how you bake your bread. In a tin, it’ll take around an hour, the mini loaves should be a little quicker – around 45 minutes.
However, the timings are just approximations, so it is best you do your own tests. What can be said, though, is that regardless of how you choose to bake it, you certainly won’t be disappointed.
And Elizabeth K, who made the treat from called the “melt in your mouth banana bread “, can back that as she labelled it as the “BEST banana bread” she’s ever tried.