Prince Harry is an obsessive man-child (Image: Getty)
What price principles? It’s a question might want to ask himself having pocketed a settlement rumoured to between £10 to £20million from the media group he’d vowed to fight and destroy.
But in the end he didn’t fight at all. He “settled” and took their shilling. So, is this really “the monumental victory” he and his legal team are crowing about? Because it’s not what we expected from the man who sold himself as the great warrior prince, the brave one-man crusade against the evil media who was going to bring it to heel.
It was who boasted this fight was all about “truth and accountability” and who on being asked why he was taking on the Murdoch press said: “The goal is accountability. It’s really that simple. The scale of the cover-up is so large people really need to see it for themselves.”
But, of course, we never will now because Harry has taken the money which seems odd for someone forever claiming he was the “voice of the voiceless” and who said his life’s work was to slay the dragons of the tabloids.
Grand talk from a man who decided truth and accountability weren’t as important as ten million quid. And so instead of having his day in court where he’d have had the chance to prove his allegations of illegal information gathering and intrusion – he copped out.
Yes, he’s had an unequivocal apology from News Group Newspapers for intrusion into his private life and that of his mother but no executive heads have rolled, there was no admission of Harry’s intrusion claims, no forensic examination of what he called the “cover up” because he took the money.
And some might understand that bearing in mind the legal fees were going to be £10million. But Harry has always known that but vowed to press on shouting “money was no object”.
But clearly £10million was what it took for the warrior to lay down his arms. Pity, because I was looking forward to seeing him prove his allegations.
That said, I still can’t get my head around a bloke ranting about intrusion when he so grossly intruded upon the privacy of his own family – branded them racists on the global stage, divulged intimate family secrets and all for money. And this is a man who, even now, makes his living from the media.
I don’t see as a warrior or a victor here.
I see an obsessive man-child riddled with self-pity who has become irrational thanks to his obsessiveness and his pathological hatred of the press. And before some start screaming “ Yes but the media killed his Mother – no the drunk driver behind the wheel of her car did that while being pursued by FRENCH paparazzi.
I almost feel sorry for Meghan here (almost) because Harry’s obsessiveness with the lawsuits in recent years must have been hell to live with. Just last year she told a magazine that she wished he’d “let go” of them.
So maybe she’s had a hand in his decision to settle. Smart, because now that their star in the US is plummeting they can’t afford to throw millions at court costs. Spotify has dropped them, Meghan’s new TV show about cooking and making homes beautiful has been postponed thanks to the wild fires, Harry’s documentary, Polo, didn’t do well. And as Vanity Fair just called them “the most entitled, disingenuous people on the planet” I’m guessing their income stream has taken a hit.
Might teach Harry to stop sounding like some spoiled brat screaming “money is no object”. When clearly it is.
It really stuck in my craw this week to see the execrable Tom Watson – incredibly now Baron Watson – getting a bumper financial settlement from a newspaper group who he claims placed him and his family under “unforgivable strain” because of intrusion.
Watson is the despicable piece of work who not so long ago abused parliamentary privilege to peddle THE most despicable lies about senior Tory politicians – the much respected Lord Bramall, former MP Harvey Proctor and former Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, who was dying of at the time
Does the abhorrent Watson ever think about the cruel and unforgivable “intrusion” his baseless accusations brought on those wholly innocent men and THEIR families? Does he think about the strain and the pain THEY suffered thanks to his recklessness in accusing them of being Part of a murderous paedophile ring – which never actually existed.
Watson wrecked the lives and the reputations of decent men and devastated their families and so while it was wrong that his family’s privacy was invaded, what he did was way more than just wrong. And anyone thinking of putting more money into his now bulging pockets by buying his silly book Lose Weight 4 Life – don’t.
Watson currently looks like a burst sofa and so the book’s promise, “a blueprint for long sustainable weight loss”, is another lie!
Demi Moore is sure to bag an Oscar this year (Image: Getty)
I’m loving Trump’s brave new Common Sense agenda. The Donald has done more in a week than governments here have done in two decades. Woke is being kicked in the butt, diversion and equality schemes are being scrapped. Federal employees who don’t come into the office to work are being sacked. He’s announced that henceforth America will have just two genders. He’s closed the country’s southern borders and stopped all illegal immigration and he’s pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Best of all he might STILL reject the snivelling Peter Mandelson from the role as US Ambassador because as one of his aides put it: “He’s a moron.”
Here’s hoping…
New research says dogs as well as people suffer the January blues. Well my dog Murphy certainly hasn’t been his normal chirpy, smiley self. But I think it’s less to do with January blues and more to do with the fact I’ve halved the number of treats he gets every day because he was putting on weight.
Melania Trump is a clever girl (Image: Getty)
I’m wondering if Melania wore that hat so that The Donald wouldn’t be able to kiss her?
Because it worked. The first time he went in for one the wide brim on the hat meant he missed entirely and nearly took his eye out. The second time there was lip contact on her cheek – but barely.
Clever girl!
I’d love to have been a fly on the wall in Ed Miliband’s office when during his passionate inauguration speech shouted: “Drill Baby Drill.”
They’d probably have had to revive the silly sausage with smelling salts.
So Whoopi Goldberg who DID weigh 21 stones appeared in Paris this week looking like a fabulous, rudely healthy shadow of her former self.
She admitted she’d lost “the equivalent of two people” on the weight loss jab Mounjaro.
Yet another success story for this drug yet, still, the NHS still isn’t rolling it out in the amounts it should to tackle the obesity crisis and there are still people, who despite its success in reducing strokes, heart disease, some cancers and diabetes, are looking to dump on it. The latest “revelation” is that, in rare cases, it can cause pancreatitis.
Yes, and when you buy the drug through a respectable company (mine was Juniper) they tell you from the off that is one of the risks. It’s even written into the contra indications inside the packet – so nothing new. And of course EVERY drug, even paracetamol, comes with contra indications.
At least people come back from pancreatitis. They don’t always come back from cancer or heart attacks triggered by obesity.
Another gob-smacking poll about Gen Z (18-24 year olds) who said the “essential” life items they couldn’t live without are coffee machines, hair curling tongs and air fryers.
Ye gods, these are people who’ve never known a day’s hardship in their cosseted little lives. When I was 18 the stuff that was considered essential was food on the table, a roof over our heads and carpet on the floor.
We celebrated in our house with a Battenberg cake the day my Mum got an electric washing machine which then WAS seen as the last word in luxury!
Biggest laugh this week – David Lammy sucking up to saying we have to work with and befriend .
Er, we weren’t the ones who called him a “tyrant in a toupee” and a “woman hating, Neo Nazi, Ku Klux Klan sympathising sociopath”.