A waiter exposed customers’ irritating habit (stock photo) (Image: Getty)
A waiter has shared something that really annoys him about customers who are trying to be helpful.
Many of us try to help employees clearing the table by handing them plates or stacking our crockery together. While this may be helpful in some instances, there’s one habit that you should stop doing.
A restaurant worker took to to complain about people who place all their rubbish inside cups. Apparently, this actually creates more work for people clearing the table.
The scraps can get stuck to the side of the cups, making them harder to throw away than they would have been otherwise. We can imagine it would also be pretty gross to touch.
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In a video, the Spanish waiter said: “Let’s see if with this video we manage to change some things. I know you don’t do it to annoy us, but to help us, or to keep the table clean, but look at this.
“You put all these things inside the cup. I’ll never understand if it’s to help us or if it’s just a habit. Please, if you want to help the waiters, the best thing to do is to leave it in the saucer or plate, so we go to the kitchen and throw it away without any problems.
“You save us the trouble of having to take out all the little pieces of paper and then throw them in the bin and wash it. This helps waiters a lot. Thanks!”
Judging by the reaction in the comments section, lots of people were completely unaware they were annoying serving staff. One said: “I do it to make everything look clean and tidy.” Another confessed: “I do it at home as well.” And a third added: “I will never do it again!”
Want to read more about waiter complaints? Gourmet Society, one of the UK’s largest dining clubs, has uncovered what it’s really like to be a waiter, with a poll revealing the most common complaints.
More than half (53 per cent) of waiters say that customers with bad manners are their biggest grouse. This is followed by customers who click their fingers as a signal (42 per cent) and noisy or disruptive children (32 per cent).
But there are also positives to being a waiter, however, with almost half (47 per cent) of waiters confirming that tips are the best thing about the job. Meeting new people came in second (46 per cent) followed by being busy (41 per cent).