Nick Ferrari tears apart Labour housing minister as he rages ‘you haven’t got a clue’. (Image: LBC)
Nick Ferrari took down housing minister, Matthew Pennycook, during a debate about a bid to expand under the government’s growth plans.
On Thursday, Ferrari probed whether the MP voted for or against the expansion in 2018. The housing minister confirmed he had voted against and could not confirm whether he supported it now.
Ferrari said: “So you are the ‘NIMBYs’ (Not in My Back Yard) the Prime Minister is talking about? The Labour Party has just lectured the nation to stop being NIMBYs and stop being green zealots because we’ve got to ‘build baby build’.
“You had an opportunity to support the expansion of Heathrow six years ago and you voted against it. Who are you to lecture the nation Mr Pennycook? You are saying one thing and doing another, minister.”
Prime Minister also voted against a third runway in 2018, while Chancellor supported it.
‘You voted against it. Who are you to lecture the nation?”You’re one of the NIMBYs the PM is talking about.”You’re saying one thing and doing another, minister! questions Labour’s Matthew Pennycook on Heathrow expansion plans.
— LBC (@LBC)
On Wednesday, Ms Reeves said at the , further hinting that she will support the expansion.
Ferrari continued: “Rachel Reeves gave a pretty clear indication from Davos that she is up for expansion of the airport but you haven’t got a clue as to which decision you would make?”
Mr Pennycook then argued that he hadn’t seen an application and, therefore, could not make a decision.
Ms Reeves is expected to use a speech next week to support the proposed third runway and endorse expansion at Gatwick and Luton airports.
Rachel Reeves at the World Economic Forum in Davos. (Image: Getty)
Amid the push for growth, the Prime Minister has vowed to that saw major projects such as nuclear power plants, wind farms and roads delayed by unarguable bids for judicial review.
Under plans announced on Thursday, “NIMBYs” who seek to challenge major projects through the courts will have fewer chances to do so.
Plans to push through a third runway at Heathrow will , as senior figures including have previously spoken out against it.
On Thursday, the Mayor of London said his views on the expansion “haven’t changed” as he warned about the “climate emergency”.