*Warning – This article contains spoilers for tonight’s episode of The Traitors.*
In a jaw-dropping turn of events, Claudia Winkleman delivered a bombshell twist on just ahead of the show’s gripping finale. On Thursday night’s episode (January 23), the beloved TV host tasked the players with what she dubbed their ‘most important mission’ to date.
She tantalised them with the prospect of a hefty £12,000 boost to the prize pot, stating: “Today we will revisit some of the missions you have done but you will face three new challenges. If you complete all of those challenges successfully, you will add an amazing £12,000 to the prize fund.”
But in typical The Traitors style, Claudia had a game-changing revelation up her sleeve, announcing: “But, there’s more. This is by far the most important mission you have ever faced. Whoever banks the most gold individually will gain a power more valuable than we have ever seen. They will become The Seer.”
Drawing from the classic Werewolf deduction game, which inspires The Traitors’ format, The Seer possesses the ability to uncover a player’s true allegiance. Claudia explained: “The Seer has the power to know one other player’s true identity. The Seer will invite one player this evening to a private face-to-face meeting.”
Claudia Winkleman announced a twist (Image: BBC)
She added the crucial detail that would send ripples through the game, saying: “That player they have chosen will have no choice and must reveal if they are a Faithful or a Traitor. This power could turn the entire game on its head.”
After enduring a series of intense challenges, the contestants convened for their second-to-last roundtable, resulting in the dramatic eviction of Traitor Freddie from the castle, reports .
Frankie is the ‘seer’ (Image: BBC)
The young contestant left the game, and Francesca won the title of Seer. In a private room with Claudia, she used her power to reveal the identity of Charlotte, who is a Traitor.
Francesca spoke of her decision, saying: “In my heart, I hope she’s a Faithful. Then I can take a sigh of relief that I know that one person is 100% a Faithful and it was the person I always thought it was.”
Charlotte was visibly shaken when Claudia announced her name, and she told in her master interview that she felt “very pinned in a corner”.
“But I guess that’s the game. I’m the last Traitor standing, everything is at stake. It is literally her word against mine,” she added.
The episode ended with a showdown between Charlotte and Francesca. Elsewhere, Freddie, a newly-recruited Traitor, was banished from the castle.
Freddie was banished (Image: BBC)
His exit was orchestrated by Charlotte, who intentionally ‘murdered’ Leanne, knowing she had a shield protecting her from banishment. Her plan was to make Freddie and Alexander appear suspicious, as they were the only two contestants who were unaware of Leanne’s protected status.
Charlotte successfully manipulated the situation, making the other contestants question Freddie’s faithfulness. However, Freddie was determined to vindicate himself and alleged that Minah, who was exiled yesterday, informed him about Leanne’s shield.
This fabrication only made him appear culpable to the other Faithfuls, resulting in them voting him out. As the finale approaches, Charlotte is the sole remaining Traitor within the castle walls.
The Traitors returns tomorrow at 8.30pm on One and iPlayer.