Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley on GMB (Image: ITV)
Susanna Reid was praised for holding an MP accountable on today. The 54-year-old ITV host, and her co-star Richard Madeley, welcomed on as they quizzed her about the benefits system.
One main concern for the nation is whether or not there will be cuts to disability benefits such as (PIP). Susanna told the MP that those with disabilities fear that the government is “going to take money away from them”.
The Employment Minister claimed that she “understands that” as she said that she wants disabled people to “have the right to work and the right to dignity and respect”. But as the MP was speaking, Susanna cut her short to ask: “So are you going to reassess PIP payments for people?”
Alison continued as she danced around the question, explaining that the government are helping people “move into work”. Susanna interrupted a second time, asking the same question: “Are you reassessing their PIP payments?”
Once again the politician went off piste as Susanna repeated the question for a third time. This time, Richard joined in as he bluntly asked: “Are you going to cut them?”
Alison replied, still refusing to give a straight answer, saying that at the moment “the system doesn’t work for anybody”. She claimed that the work capability assessment is a “failure”, adding: “We need to change the system but we want to do that with disabled people.”
She continued: “We are listening and we will put forward our ideas in a green paper that we can talk to people about.”
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Alison McGovern appeared on GMB (Image: ITV)