5 low-maintenance houseplants to buy that prevent mould and condensation in the home

mould, peace lily

5 low-maintenance houseplants to buy that prevent mould and condensation for good in homes (Image: GETTY)

and are something many households battle with at this time of year, but there are a few you can buy to help remedy this.

expert Chris Bonnett from has highlighted that to prevent condensation and mould you need to bring down the moisture levels in your home and “houseplants are a great natural solution to balance the humidity”.

He said: “Some houseplants like the will absorb moisture through its leaves which will then travel through to their roots.”

He added: “Not only will this help you balance the moisture levels in your home, but it will also leave you with some really beautiful houseplants to enjoy too.”

From English ivy to the much-loved peace lily, one of these low-maintenance houseplants is sure to appeal to you.


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Peace lily plant in a bright home

The peace lily will absorb moisture through its leaves (Image: Getty)

1. English ivy 

When it comes to , Chris noted that it can help remove airborne mould and other toxins within the home.

He explained that all it needs to thrive is bright, indirect light and regular watering throughout the year, making sure not to drown it.

However, he cautioned to keep this houseplant away from pets as its leaves are toxic to them if consumed.

2. Peace lily

Regarding the peace lily, the expert said: “The peace lily loves the shade and thrives in high humidity so it is the perfect choice for areas prone to mould.

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Spathiphyllum Peace Lily indoor plant in bathroom

The peace lily loves the shade and thrives in high humidity (Image: Getty)

“It absorbs moisture through the air through its leaves and doesn’t need direct sunlight to thrive.”

He warned that the beautiful white flowers can be toxic to pets so keep it out of their way.

3. Snake plant

He also noted that the snake plant, known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, is another one of those “mould-loving” varieties.

In addition to soaking up excess moisture through their tall, upright leaves, they also aid in purifying the air by absorbing toxins.

Cozy home interior decor, Sansevieria (snake plant) in ceramic pots on a white table on the background of a bed with decorative pillows, modern design

The snake plants is one of those “mould-loving” varieties (Image: Getty)

These plants require minimal maintenance and infrequent watering, making them perfect for all plant owners.

4. Spider plant

This popular indoor plant is great at “removing harmful pollutants in the home”. Chris said: “It’s easy to look after too and will need watering around once or twice a week.”

5. Boston fern

This indoor plant can thrive in a variety of conditions, making it ideal for rooms like the kitchen and bathroom.

They naturally absorb moisture from the air, aiding in the fight against condensation and mould.

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