Warning issued to anyone taking dogs for a walk in January

Dog on a walk in the park

Dog owners walking their pets in winter have been issued a warning (Image: Getty)

Dog owners across the UK have been issued a warning when in January.

Ensuring your dog gets some regular fresh air and daily exercise, even when , is very important, but there are precautions that need to be taken during the winter.

runs from December to February and brings with it an array of unpredictable weather conditions, with temperatures often plummeting just below freezing.

As such, it means that dogs are exposed to chilly climes and will often come into contact with grit or rock salt that has been spread on the paths and roads to help prevent slips and skids in .

But grit and rock salt can be extremely toxic to dogs if it is ingested so households are being warned to pack a towel when heading out for a walk to wipe their dogs paws when out and about.

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) warns: “Wipe your dog’s paws and belly on returning home from a snowy walk to remove any ice or salt, and regularly check for cracks in paw-pads or for redness between the toes. Grit or rock salt can be extremely toxic to dogs and cats if ingested.”

The BVA also warns owners to wipe their dog’s paws to help protect them from possible antifreeze poisoning during the winter months.

It adds: “Wiping your pet’s paws can prevent them from ingesting toxins that they may have walked through whilst outside. Antifreeze in particular is highly toxic for cats, even in small amounts. 

“Apart from use in car radiators, some cases are thought to be linked to ingesting diluted antifreeze used in ornamental water features to protect the pumps. Store and use antifreeze products carefully and clean any spillages thoroughly.”

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Additionally, owners are urged to consider putting a coat on older dogs when heading outdoors in winter, or on those with thin fur to ensure they keep warm during walks.

Inside, their bed should be kept in a draught-free and warm spot insulated from the floor in the house. The BVA suggests lining it with an extra blanket or two.

BVA President Justine Shotton said: “When it’s cold for us, it’s cold for our pets, which is why it’s important to take extra precautions to keep them safe and warm. 

“During the coldest months, dogs and cats need easy access to shelter and a cosy den, and while dogs will still need exercise, owners should take precautions to protect them from the cold. If you have any concerns about your pet in this cold weather, please consult your local vet for advice.”

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