I ate like Donald Trump for a day in Washington (Image: Daily Express / Getty)
On Thursday I visited a particular restaurant in Washington in order . I didn’t think much of the salad, and the portions were enormous.
But after eating like for a day yesterday, I was begging to go back to gulfing enormous bowls of pasta and quaffing good Italian red.
Because I have discovered one thing about the next President of the United States, , and it is that he eats like a complete lunatic.
The day got off to a bad start as I took the lift down to our hotel cafeteria, where I knew I would be being photographed with an empty plate.
does not eat breakfast. He doesn’t eat much at all for that matter, as I discovered to my chagrin.
Donald Trump’s diet veers between starvation and binge eating (Image: Official White House Photograph by Joyce N. Boghosian)
I’m on Ozempic, but even I was nervous about making it all the way through the day surviving on a diet of almost nothing but diet cokes.
President Trump, like all interesting and powerful men, has a number of interesting quirks. But his food picks, other than perhaps his germaphobia, rank among the oddest.
The next President of the free world, as I discovered during a day that felt like an eternity, eats almost nothing from dawn to dusk.
After skipping breakfast, I was allowed to exists on a meagre diet of diet cokes, and cheese Doritos (which in this country, confusingly, are in a red bag not orange).
Some sources suggest he may have meatloaf for lunch if he’s forced, but I judged borderline starvation to be the more sensible option than that weird American dish.
My other option, as has been reported, would have been to have a steak at lunch.
Don’t miss…
Breakfast consisted of absolutely nothing (Image: Daily Express)
Brilliant, you think, that’ll do nicely. Until you read on and discover, to your horror, that Donald J Trump enjoys utterly ruining steak by having cooked ‘well done’.
I was also having lunch with former Prime Minister Liz Truss, and couldn’t bear the thought of having order a well-done steak in front of another human being.
So I pressed on, until 3pm when we finally visited a CVS – think the US version of Tescos but with more pharmaceutical goods than Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital – to grab a American-sized can of Diet Coke, and an even more American-sized bag of nacho cheese Doritos.
This proved an anti-climatic end to my 15-hour fasting period. The coke, which in the US comes in a 473ml can rather than the demurely British 300ml vessel, went unfinished. The Doritos bored me after about a dozen.
At this point I was already praying for some vegetables, or – dream of dreams – a glass of water.
The milkshake was the best part of Trump’s dinner choice (Image: Daily Express)
Dinner was a 3,000 calorie blowout, and I couldn’t manage half of it (Image: Daily Express)
But not to fear. For in just four hours the day’s calories would come all at once in a mega McDonalds order.
For Donald J Trump, leader of the free world come Monday, goes big when it comes to McDonalds.
His order? Two big macs, two Filet-O-Fish, and a chocolate milkshake.
Readers, I was full after the Filet-O-Fish, let alone starting on the other three burgers. The most criminal part was the lack of fries, which is like driving to an airport and not getting on an aeroplane.
Having finally ticked off both the Biden and Trump diets, I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to making my own food choices for the rest of this trip.