‘I’m a brain expert – here’s what I do each day to keep my memory sharp’

Person rubbing their temples

The cognitive expert incorporates her own advice into her daily routine to protect her brain (Image: GETTY)

Natalie Mackenzie, a brain injury therapist, has dished her seven-step daily routine to keeping her memory in mint condition, starting with a simple solution to keeping a tab on our health and fitness is a struggle, with endless advice out there.

One of her main tools for boosting her memory is offloading some mental tasks – “We can’t do it all, so I use technology to help my brain,” she explains.

“I use automation where possible to ensure I can attend to information to aid memory, for instance using transcribing software and recordings. I also use software for organisation and planning, time blocking where possible to reduce procrastination and distraction.”

But there’s more in Natalie’s cognitive toolkit than just delegating to digital aids. Beginning with basics, she highlights hydration as crucial if you’re looking to improve your memory – it’s “key for cognitive function and memory retrieval”.

Food is another vital pillar in Natalie’s regime; she opts for the vibrant variety, avoiding processed bites in favour of brain-boosting eats. She elaborates: “I eat the rainbow and avoid processed food, which we know the brain doesn’t benefit from. The Mediterranean diet helps keep your brain sharp, but it’s really just about good food.”


She continued: “I focus on fruit and vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, strawberries and avocado, nuts and seeds,as well as plenty of seafood like fresh Wild Salmon. I make sure to use wholesome oils for cooking and dressings such as rich olive oil and versatile canola oil.”

In addition to her healthy eating habits, Natalie boosts her brain power with a lion’s mane supplement.

She explained: “⁠I take a lion’s mane supplement in the morning for neural protection. It is thought to promote neuronal growth, something that is super important as we age, but also for any injury to the brain. Research suggests as well it can aid memory, focus and overall cognitive function, as well as promoting mood and wellbeing.”

The expert also sticks to three daily habits that support her brain health: expanding her knowledge, spending time outdoors, and engaging in physical activity.

Natalie clarified that this doesn’t require marathon gym sessions every day: “Movement aids skills such as remembering things, how quickly we think, and making decisions. This is super important as we get on in years because being active helps put the brakes on our brains slowing down. When I have time, a run is great to clear the brain and consolidate memories and process information.”

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She also urges folks to spend time outdoors for the multitude of health benefits it offers. However, if you’re short on time, a Vitamin D supplement like a Lumie light will suffice.

The expert revealed: “This is really important because Vitamin D and pituitary stimulation to aid melatonin secretion is key to good sleep, which aids our cognitive function.”

Arguably, Natalie’s most challenging daily task is learning something new. She elaborated: “Either through an ongoing course or a fun fact. Problem-solving, cognitive flexibility and critical thinking are all cognitive skills that are utilised when we’re learning. If you want to take it to the next level, learning a language in particular is a super gym workout for the brain. It can kickstart several cognitive processes to keep our memory sharp.”

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