Bed bug expert shares warning signs to spot in your home – watch out for ‘rusty scent’ (Image: PA)
Your home should be a place of relaxation, but it can also become a breeding ground for unwelcome . The mere thought of taking over your bedroom is enough to unsettle anyone.
Yet, there’s no need to panic; there are definite signs to watch for and . Here are seven essential warning signs that both homeowners and tenants need to be vigilant about, along with expert advice from Bed Kingdom on .
An unusual odour is one of the first indicators of trouble. “When bed bugs feel threatened, they emit what is called alarm pheromones, which have a faint smell of raspberries, cilantro, or almonds – and in severe bed bug cases, this smell can be mixed with the odour of dead bugs and shed cell casings which creates a rusty scent,” say the specialists.
Another tell-tale sign is waking up to red, itchy welts. These bites, often found on arms, hands, and legs, may appear in small clusters or as isolated marks.
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“These bites are not usually dangerous, but some people can be allergic – so if you experience extreme itchiness, swelling, blisters, or a fever, it’s crucial to seek help from a medical professional,” reports the Mirror.
Blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases can also signal the presence of bed bugs, as they sometimes get crushed while feeding.
“Once a bed bug has finished feeding, the blood can leak out if you squash them during your sleep with sudden movements like rolling over.”
Consequently, small patches of blood on your bed sheets or clothing could indicate a bedbug infestation if there’s no other visible explanation for the blood, such as a scab. Dark brown marks can appear on mattresses, sheets, headboards, or walls due to bed bug droppings, which are about the size of a pen tip.
“They also emit a faint, rusty smell that contributes to the unusual odour altogether.”
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Bed bugs are a common problem in households (Image: Getty)
“Bed bugs shed several times during different lifecycle stages, meaning that their shell casings can come in different sizes – but you can spot them by their yellow, translucent appearance in the seams, folds, and crevices of mattresses, or even other areas such as cracks in walls and furniture,” experts have warned.
Spotting live bed bugs can be challenging as they typically hide, but they’re more noticeable in severe infestations. “Adult bed bugs are approximately 4-5mm long, with bed bug nymphs starting at just 1mm. They can hide anywhere from your bed and the area next to it to furniture and your walls.”
Bed bug eggs can be difficult to spot, measuring only around 1mm long, but they resemble tiny rice grains in your bed, often stuck to different surfaces such as mattress seams and joints or behind the headboard.
Shell casings are another sign to look out for. Shell casings are a tell-tale sign of a severe bed bug infestation, as these pests shed their skins at various life stages.
When it comes to tackling these unwelcome guests, the specialists have shared their top advice for banishing bed bugs from your boudoir. They caution that while there are measures you can take at home, a significant infestation may require professional intervention from either the council or a pest control company.
“It can be difficult to completely get rid of bedbugs, especially with a severe infestation, so it’s advised to contact the council or a pest control service to ensure they’re no longer taking over your bedroom. However, there are some steps you can take yourself to put your mind at ease.”
The experts recommend a thorough search to locate all potential bed bug hideouts.
“First of all, try to identify all of the areas where the bed bugs could be hiding by using a flashlight and a magnifying glass. This includes your entire bed, cushions, cracks in walls and furniture, loose wallpaper, the seam between wallpaper and the ceiling, and underneath decorations on your wall,” they suggest.
They then recommended: “Wash all of your affected bedding on clothing on a hot wash, as well as using the tumble dryer on a hot setting for a minimum of half an hour. For anything that can’t be washed, place them in plastic bags and leave in the freezer for 3-4 days.”
“Using an insecticide is not recommended as some of them can contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous when used indoors, but you can opt for a bed bug spray to use before vacuuming, which is typically safe for mattresses and furniture.”
“Clear out any rubbish from your bedroom and put it in the bin such as magazines, and make space ready to vacuum. Use a vacuum on the entire floor, making sure to get all of the corners – you can use the small wand to get into other areas of the bedroom, such as furniture and cracks in the wall.”
A spokesperson for Bed Kingdom said: “Getting cosy in bed on an evening is something that many people look forward to at the end of the day, whether it’s to chill out and watch your favourite TV series or perhaps to curl up with a gripping book.”
“Unfortunately, this can be ruined when bed bugs take over your bedroom, so it’s important to know what signs to look out for so that you can get back to relaxing quickly and avoid a more complicated process of removing them.”