The hardest Wordle of 2024 revealed – Did you solve it without hints?

Hardest Wordle puzzles of 2024

Hardest Wordle puzzles of 2024 (Image: GETTY)

is a cultural phenomenon, becoming part of the daily routine for thousands of people across the globe.

The game that spawned a thousand clones, the aim of Wordle is to figure out a five letter word in just six guesses.

It may sound easy – and there are times when it’s pretty straightforward – but judging by the latest stats, some daily puzzles are much harder than others.

In a report conducted by , the hardest Wordle puzzle of 2024 (based on Google searches for Wordle hints) was from May 2024.

Fans from England and Wales struggled most with the word DECAL, which was the answer to the May 5 puzzle.

Scottish Wordle players struggled with BRAWN on December 22, while Northern Ireland players were stumped by CHART on August 4.

Did you manage to solve the aforementioned puzzles without using hints? Give yourself a pat on the back if you did.

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League of the Lexicon

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League of the Lexicon is a new word-based card game featuring over 2,000 questions spread across five categories and two levels of difficulty.

To solve the puzzle, you’ll need to pay close attention to the colour of the tiles. If the tile turns grey, then the letter you’ve guessed doesn’t appear in the final word. If it turns yellow, then the letter appears in the word, just not in that position. A green tile means the letter is in the word and in the correct place.

If you’re looking for a Wordle alternative, there’s a , a , and a  – where the aim is to guess four words instead of just one.

If you’re not great with words, then you’ll prefer something like .

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