David Lockett (Image: Courtesy of David Lockett / SWNS)
David Lockett, 53, says that Excel Parking demanded that he paid £100 after it took him 24 minutes to park his Citroen C4 Grand Picasso at Broomhill Rooftop Parking in Sheffield, South Yorks.
He says it took him so long because he originally parked in a space that was too small and then had to set up an online account and enter his bank details to pay.
He immediately appealed the fine but it was rejected twice and he instead received letters from DCB Legal demanding £100, then £200, then £268 which would be reduced if he paid within seven days.
The case then went to mediation where David offered to pay £85 but it was rejected by Excel Parking.
But at Huddersfield County Court, district judge Ranjit Uppal said Excel Parking appeared to be confused if David had just five minutes or ten minutes to pay for the parking.
The judge also noted there was no financial loss to the company since David had overpaid for his stay and dismissed the case on January 2.
David said: “It was an enormous relief when he dismissed the case.
“Initially it was annoying more than anything else as I didn’t really have time for this.
“But I also felt like ‘why should I pay for something that I don’t owe?’
“There was no human consideration and nobody I spoke to was able to compromise, it was simply ‘pay us more money.’
“I thought I would dig my heels in.
“Ultimately, I went to court because I knew that if I lost, then I would pay the fine but I know there’s plenty of people who aren’t in my position.”
David, a senior manager in the NHS, visited the car park, which is in the Broomhill area of the city in December 2023.
He attempted to park next to a Range Rover but was unable to get out of his vehicle, so moved to another space.
David then downloaded a payment app before he registered himself and his car, entered his bank details and responded to verification emails – which took 24 minutes.
He said: “It took 24 minutes from me entering the car park to having paid for two hours parking.
“But during that entire time, I was trying to park and pay for it with their advertised routes.
“I was surprised when I received the fine.”
David Lockett and the parking ticket he received (Image: Courtesy of David Lockett / SWNS)
David, of Huddersfield, West Yorks., said he received from an Excel Parking advice page on Facebook – where people who have been in similar situations can offer support.
He said: “It was stressful and worrying because I didn’t know if I would win.
“I believed in my defence but I knew it came down to the judge.
“I had several months of a legal firm sending me letters so there was a level of stress.”
An Excel Parking spokesperson said: “We are currently reviewing the Judge’s comments and considering our next steps.
“It would therefore not be appropriate to comment other than to say we are confident the Parking Charge was correctly issued as payment of the tariff was not made until 24 minutes after the motorist entered the car park.
“If the motorist had difficulties using the connect cashless mobile application, he could have called our 24 hours helpline, used one of the on site pay machines, called the connect cashless telephone number or their website.”
DCB Legal have been contacted for a comment.