A Camden landlord has sparked outrage on social media with their strict set of rules for any renter. (Image: Getty)
A landlord’s room to rent has gone viral after being shared to thanks to its extensive list of strict rules – including banning any would-be tenant from the until 8.30pm.
The now-deleted advertisement priced the room at £1,350 per month with a hefty £1,557 deposit. The property was listed in the much sought-after borough of Camden.
The preposterous vacancy was posted on Spareroom and circulated on the r/london subreddit, titled ‘The Joys of Renting in London.’
The aspiring landlord explained that they were a “professional researcher and music teacher,” and that the flat overlooked leafy Hampstead Park – so far, so good.
But those who have rented in the capital before know there is always a caveat – or three. “I am looking for a quiet, clean, and friendly person to lodge here,” the ad describes.
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It adds: “You will have use of the kitchen, bathroom and your bedroom. I work long hours from the living room so this area is not available for use.”
And so starts the list of near-impossible clauses for any potential lodger. “This space would ideally suit someone working longish hours in the city during the week and leaving the city for the weekends,” the post continued.
“I am also teaching the violin here in the evenings from 4-8.30pm Mon – Thurs – it would be audible, so the room would suit someone who is not home until post 8.30pm”
In short, you’ll have to pay more than a grand a month to not actually use the whole flat. And it doesn’t sound like the landlord would want you to be there at all!
One Redditor sarcastically replied “Ah cool, so I’m allowed to exist in my own room for three hours a day, five days a week? For only £1,350/m!? What a bargain!”
So, if you are someone who works until 8.30pm, leaves the city on weekends and has a keen interest in the violin, this room could have been yours – along with these minor details.
The landlord included house rules instructing: “no guests, no pets, no use of living space, no noise after 11pm.”
Good luck finding someone who meets all these requirements!