Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tour the devastation of LA wildfires (Image: Getty)
The devastation caused by the wildfires sweeping through Los Angeles is truly horrendous. During such a tragedy one witnesses stoicism and selfless acts of kindness, demonstrations of the best virtues ordinary people possess in abundance.
Conversely, actions that somehow tarnish these noble acts are those from people who consider these appalling events as a means of burnishing their credentials.
Never ones to miss a PR opportunity, and simply couldn’t resist the temptation. There was even an advance notice from their office (on headed stationary, naturally) heralding their pending foray amongst lesser mortals.
The Duchess of Sussex was to the fore. Flagging Sussex popularity evidently needed a boost.
I personally have no issue with people supporting all the brave men and women fighting this out-of-control blaze, but must it be done so publicly and with so much fanfare?
The wonderful folks who dedicate their lives to the emergency services deserve nothing less than our unreserved admiration and unconditional respect. If for one moment I believed that the Sussex motive was genuinely sincere then I would be unreservedly complimentary and full of admiration.
But for these two their agenda seems to be crystal clear. With the press release from their office and a personal visit yet again we witness a carefully choreographed display of crass and vulgar virtue signalling. Yuk!
One comment I read of the many echoing the same sentiment put it this way: “Can we please have less of these two? If I thought they were doing it from the goodness of their hearts I would applaud them, but I feel that publicity is always to the forefront of their minds.”
Sums it up in a nutshell, don’t you think, Possums?
When will those who seem to be blind to the cobblers from Casa Sussex recognise these two grifters for what they are? And who are they anyway?
Mr Sussex is the youngest son of the King, the second choice, to be brutally frank, in the succession pecking order. Ms Sussex many see as a B grade actress of minimal talent save for knowing a good opportunity and grabbing it.
There are many in the wider “ Community” who have pitched in and done their bit; God bless them for that. And they have done it without any prior announcement of the impending charity.
Nothing is ever spontaneous with the dynamic duo from Montecito; there always seems to be an ulterior motive in their public appearances.
Showing a little humility in place of the glaring hubris might be an approach worth considering. Knowing and accepting your limitations rather than trying to con a vast audience into seeing you for something that you are clearly not surely is worth a thought.
It’s hard to imagine, much less accept, that there is any genuine sincerity in such overt gestures of “touchy feely” faux empathy on display amidst the destruction in large parts of LA by Haz and Megs.
I wouldn’t mind if there was some integrity, some genuine heartfelt decency in place of the bleep show that shone through. But any demonstrable sincerity seems to be highly unlikely and elusive.
No comment ought to be necessary any longer on these two, but the tragedy playing out in LA and the kudos Haz and Megs seem to crave in recognition of their appearance is simply too appalling to remain silent.
Christopher Smithers is an Independent Business Consultant and winner of a Daily Express readers-to-writers competition