He couldn’t help but laugh at his dog’s new hairstyle (stock) (Image: Getty)
A owner has been left in hysterics over his pooch’s new ’70s hairstyle’ – but not everyone finds it funny. The owner explained how he booked his dog, Lola, in for her routine cut to make sure her fur doesn’t become matted and cause her issues.
But when picking her up, he got a shock as she’s now sporting a ‘perm’. Taking to , he said: “My poor dog came back from the groomers looking like this. It’s so bad. I love it so much.” Comparing her new hairdo to that of a “1970s heartthrob”, poor Lola is seen staring off into the distance looking hard done by.
Commenting on the picture, one user said: “She has butterscotch in her purse, for sure.” Another user said: “I think my mum had the same hairdo in 87…” A third user added: “My husband and I laughed so hard at this. I hope your having the best day ever.”
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One more user said: “Because my hair looks like that, I may be biased, but I am going to say that she looks lovely.” Another user added: “This is actually what my boss looks like.” It comes after another dog returned from the groomers with a new style to match his attitude.
Reassuring people that it is “not just a phase”, the groomer gave the after shaving off his dog’s double coat to help ease his pain from a skin condition. While it might look ridiculous, the owner says his radical new look is in his pet’s best interest.
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He told : “He has a skin condition what needs solving and getting wet all the time doesn’t help it or him. Plus his coat grows back quite fast. “I didn’t want to shave him but needs must! And for his hair on his head, even with his long coat, it’s still the same. His father has this crazy style too so it’s just in his bloodline.”
Although the dog, named Logan, doesn’t like his new hairdo, it has done its job in allowing his skin to heal.
“Sometimes it has to be done for the dog’s best health,” he added. “He gets really itchy, red and sore and his ears get all infected as well.”
But as Logan doesn’t have any skin concerns on his head, the groomer decided to leave this area, making him appear as though he has an “emo-style haircut”. He still looks super cute to us!