When my mother died nearly two years ago, I truly understood what it meant to want to hold on to sentimental items with all my might, but not at the expense of filling my home with disorganizedclutter or risk becoming constantly triggered by the fact that she was no longer here.
It’s true that sentimental clutter can look different for many people: a newspaper clipping time-stamping a momentous occasion or a letter from someone important in your life. Shira Gill, an organizing expert and author of “Minimalista” and “Organized Living,” told HuffPost that sentimental clutter is typically the most difficult for people to confront and edit.
“This is due to internal conflicts and questions such as: If I let go of this item will I still retain my identity? Am I a thoughtless or bad person if I let go of this item?What if I regret letting go of this item and can never get it back?” Gill said.
Reminding us that these types of questions and clutter as a whole are actually rooted in fearful thinking, Gill suggested instead asking questions that are rooted in abundant thinking, such as, “Does this item support my current values and priorities?” or “Is this item adding value to my life right now?”
“Remember, memories don’t live in items,” Gill said. “If you’re a very visual person, you may find it useful to snap a picture of your sentimental items before you part with them.”
In addition to photographing and digitizing your items, other tips from Gill include doing things like keeping one specific token from your collection, passing it on to others in your family that will appreciate its value, and displaying the pieces that are most meaningful.
As difficult as it is to say goodbye to some things, Gill’s tactics and advice could be your answer to feeling clarity in your mind and your space. In the following list, she, along with two other organizing experts, suggest more tips and essential storage items that can help keep some of your most emotionally felt mementos in your possession and organized.
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Snapfish offers tons of hardcover memory book options from various page outlines to design themes to book sizes. Additionally, if you want to memorialize special memories in a way that’s more unique than a photo album, the company also offers your photos to be transformed into pieces of wall art, mugs, calendars and even photo tiles.
Using professional photography, editing and premium matte printing, Artkive publishes art books ranging from 25 to 200 images and also provides access to digital versions of your images in case you lose your book.
“For [your] thousands of photos, sort, sort, sort,” Lark said. “Then put batches or genres of photos onto thumb drives or DVDs and distribute them to family. These make great gifts.”
This pack of different-colored 64GB thumb drives makes it easy to organize and archive the sentimental things that you’ve decided to digitize from photos to video to songs and enjoy them on any device that has a compatible USB port.
Based on her suggestion, we found this highly rated set of four (or more) storage bins that are flatter compared to other 56-quart options, which can make them easier to stack in closets or store underneath beds. They also feature four bottom wheels so they can easily be wheeled in and out of tight places.
We found this shelf that can either be free-standing or wall-mounted and is ideal for storing collectible figurines or smaller pieces of memorabilia. The five shelves are also completely height-adjustable. You can grab this shelf in four wood finishes, including black or this natural oak color.