Shocking photos reveal thinnest dog RSCPA has ever seen – but now she’s wagging her tail

Peanut lies in her bed at an RPSCA rescue centre

Peanut was found almost lifeless wandering down a country lane. (Image: RSPCA)

Shocking photos show the thinnest the has ever seen as the animal charity reports a disturbing rise in abandoned pets.

Lurcher, Peanut, was found almost lifeless walking down a country lane in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, on New Year’s Day.

Concerned members of the public took the poor pooch to a vet before the RSPCA took her in, which has launched an investigation.

The distressing images show the seriously malnourished canine’s bones visible through her fur.

Peanut’s legs were covered in pressure sores, which suggest she was lying down on hard ground for long spells.


Peanut lies on a blanket with her bones visible beneath her skin

Concerned members of the public took Peanut to an emergency vet. (Image: RSPCA)

Despite being extremely unwell when she was found, Peanut’s condition is slowly improving as she can now stand alone. She has also managed to tenderly run to her breakfast and wag her tail.

RSPCA Animal Rescue Officer David Allen said: “The condition Peanut was in is just appalling and quite shocking. She’s the thinnest dog I have ever seen, and I cannot understand how anyone could allow this to happen.”

He added that Peanut had been microchipped, but the person who was registered on the chip sold her on when she was just six months old.

Mr Allen said: “I am keen to speak to anyone who may know who her owner is now or may have seen anyone acting suspiciously in the area on New Year’s Day.”

Tiffany Saunders, from the RSPCA’s Block Fen Centre, said: “It was heartbreaking to see how emaciated Peanut was. But, thankfully, we are seeing small signs of improvement every day.

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Peanut stands with the aid of a handler

Peanut has been able to walk and wag her tail since her rescue (Image: RSPCA)

“She’s certainly feeling much better though and it is really lovely to see her tail wag. She is under the care of a vet and the plan is to continue to build her weight back up.”

According to the RSPCA, 846 animals were abandoned between December 18 and December 31 last year.

The charity said this is the most for a Christmas season since 2018. Friday, December 27, saw the highest number of abandonments logged, with 84 in just one day.

The RSPCA said a surge in pet ownership during the -19 pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis has led to an increase in people dumping their pets.

Last year, there were 22,503 incidents of abandoned animals – an average of more than 61 incidents every single day of the year. Peanut was one of 43 abandoned animals in the RSPCA on New Year’s Day.

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