Drivers can unfreeze a car door handle with a simple tip (Image: Getty)
Motorists using a simple solution anyone can find at home, according to leading car experts.
with many motorists likely to find themselves locked out of their cars in a devastating blow this .
The issue is caused when moisture gets trapped within the door seals and around the lock mechanism.
As fall this can freeze into ice which makes it a lot harder for doors to open properly.
However, the experts stress that a simple bowl of warm water could be the answer with
Ice can get stuck between the car door mechanicsm (Image: Getty)
Graham Conway, Managing Director at said: “Pouring some hot – not boiling – water around the affected area can help the ice that’s causing the jam melt.
“However, this is a short-term solution, as once it cools it will freeze over the existing ice making the problem worse.
“Make sure the water isn’t too hot, certainly is not boiling, and once you’ve got the door open be sure to dry down any wet surfaces to avoid more ice forming.”
Experts usually urge road users to never use warm water to clear ice and frost off a car windscreen due to the risk of damage.
A sudden change in temperature can crack the glass, leading to costly repairs in a major blow.
However, a car’s metal bodywork is less fragile so water should be okay as long as it isn’t too hot.
Specialists still admit road users should never use very hot or boiling hot water for fear it could damage components.
Damian Maginn, car expert and director of motoring specialists at also explained the importance of using warm water to clear ice.
He added: “Pour some warm water over the frozen handle very gently. Steer clear of hot water as this might lead to abrupt temperature swings and even break the glass or handle. The heat will assist in safely melting the ice.”
However, motorists who still struggle to clear ice from the hinges could use other common household accessories to help them out.
Weezex Van admits using a heat source such as a hairdryer or portable heat gun could speed up the process especially if the water hasn’t worked straight away or is just re-freezing.
Blasting a hairdryer on the affected area could defrost the door around the seal and in the handle and stop it from freezing back over, they said.
Meanwhile, de-icing spray or a small bottle of rubbing alcohol with at least 70% isopropyl content could also do the trick.