Robert Moss’s son Louie in post-operation recovery (Image: Brain Tumour Research / SWNS)
A tragic misdiagnosis led to the death of a six-month-old boy who succumbed to a after his initial symptoms were incorrectly attributed to a “milk allergy” and “teething”. Louie Moss began missing developmental milestones and was not gaining weight at four months old, prompting doctors to consider a dairy milk allergy linked to .
Despite receiving antibiotics and milk alternatives, Louie’s condition deteriorated. It was only after a at Peterborough City revealed elevated white blood cell levels and a CT scan discovered a significant brain tumour that the severity of his condition came to light.
The brave tot underwent a critical surgery at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge where managed to drain fluid from his brain and remove more than 80% of the tumour. However, a subsequent scan showed the aggressive tumour had regrown to its initial size. Little Louie spent his final days at East Anglia Children’s Hospice in Milton, Cambridgeshire, passing away in April 2022.
In a heartfelt tribute and as a means to support research, Louie’s father Robert Moss, 34, has committed to running the London Marathon, hoping to raise vital funds for Brain Tumour Research. Reflecting on the heartbreaking experience, Robert explained: “Raising Louie was different to what me and my fiancée Molly had experienced with our eldest son, Eli. We expected Louie’s symptoms to settle, but they didn’t. We were in disbelief at the news he had a brain tumour.
Louie, born on October 18, 2021, struggled to gain weight at four months old (Image: Brain Tumour Research / SWNS)
“I didn’t know much about the disease and to think my baby who was just months old had one was shocking. From our experience, I think it’s harder for doctors to spot a brain tumour in a baby. They thought he could have a cold or was teething. Our doctor even said that in his whole career they’d never seen anything like it before.”
Louie, born on October 18, 2021, struggled to gain weight at four months old and frequently vomited before his diagnosis. Robert recounted: “We were given the option to try chemotherapy but were advised that ultimately, Louie’s diagnosis was terminal.”
“After being told our son had possibly only weeks to live, we decided it was in his best interest not to exercise this option. We felt putting a baby through chemo and seeing how relentless his tumour was we were fighting a losing battle. It’s a decision you never expect to have to make as a parent and it was a deeply traumatic experience.”
Robert, who is employed by the local council and has two other children aged eight and 10 months, has bravely signed up for a marathon despite having only completed a half marathon over ten years ago. He added: “It’s sometimes a bit tricky to balance working, being a dad and training but the support of other runners all doing it for the same cause has been a great support.”
Robert Moss, son Eli, and partner Molly while pregnant with son Louie (Image: Brain Tumour Research / SWNS)
“It’s go big or go home with this challenge. I wanted to do something that was a proper challenge for me, a proper way to honour Louie’s life. My reason for running is so that when a patient is diagnosed in the future, they have are given every opportunity to attain a positive outcome.”
Carol Robertson, national events manager for Brain Tumour Research, expressed: “It’s desperately sad to hear Louie’s story. Brain tumours kill more children than leukaemia and There are more than 100 different types of brain tumour, making them notoriously difficult to find effective treatments for. We’re determined to change that but it’s only by working together we will be able to improve treatment options for patients and, ultimately, a cure.”
To support Brain Tumour Research via Robert’s London Marathon challenge
Robert Moss in marathon training (Image: Brain Tumour Research / SWNS)