The device is handy for frosty mornings. (Image: Amazon)
Waking up to a thick layer of frost on your windscreen can be an irritating part of daily life on the coldest days of , and it’s especially annoying when you’re rushing off to work. If you’re short on time or don’t fancy having to ensure the , spending half an hour manually scraping ice or sitting tight while your heating slowly melts the frost away may not be an ideal option.
Investing in a gadget to speed up the process could be worth a try, and the , and works to clear ice quickly and efficiently.
The mechanism uses high-rearing rotating blades to clear the windscreen and windows without damaging them. Simply hold it against the areas you want to clear and let it work away.
Amazon shoppers have been leaving their feedback on , with one saying: ”Super practical really great when it’s cold [works] in no time.” [SIC]
Another commented: ”The is an innovative and time-saving device that is specifically designed to remove ice, snow and frost from car windows quickly and easily. With its rotating disc and wireless operation, it is perfect for use on cold winter mornings.”
While a third customer praised the scraper, adding: ”Tried this morning on iced glass it works great.”
However a fourth shopper was not as complimentary, stating: ”I expected better.”
More car devices
If you’re looking for a cheap solution, the is just £6.99.
Or, the from Amazon is reduced to £8.99 and protects the windscreen and wipes from frost build-up.