The Met Office has issued an amber warning (Image: GETTY)
The has issued a rare amber weather alert for , hours after it issued several yellow weather warnings for snow and ice.
is in place between 2.27pm and 9pm on January 8, the British weather agency said. This type of warning means that snow has a medium likelihood and is expected to have a medium impact.
South West England is the only area of the UK , which includes Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, and Somerset.
The office has also warned of the travel disruptions it says the snow will cause. The warning read: “Travel delays on roads are likely, stranding some vehicles and passengers.
and other services, such as mobile phone coverage, may be affected. There is a chance that some rural communities could become cut off, Some delays and cancellations to rail and air travel are likely.”
The Met Office has warned of travel disruptions due to the snow. (Image: Getty)
On Wednesday afternoon, sleet and snow are expected to accumulate at around 25cm on high ground above 150m. This could reach 10cm in areas about 250m – which is where travel disruptions are most likely.
The sleet and snow will ease off during Wednesday night from the west.
The weather agency warned: in these conditions, but if you need to make an essential journey, consider alternative forms of transport, to keep you and others safe.
“If you must drive, do this more safely by: using dipped headlights; accelerating gently, using low revs and changing to higher gears as quickly as possible; starting in second gear to help with wheel slip; maintaining a safe and steady speed, keeping distance from other vehicles; using a low gear to go downhill, avoiding braking unless necessary; steering into skids, not taking your hands of the wheel, and avoiding slamming on brakes.”
, the amber warning includes instructions on how to be best prepared. It suggests getting torches, batteries, and a mobile phone power pack.
It contineus: “If isolated due to snow, follow these simple steps to keep safe and well: keep the thermostat set to the same temperature both during the day and at night; turn off electrical heaters and put out your fire before going to bed; ensure pets are safe by keeping them warm and comfortable.
“Prevent frozen pipes by opening kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing; stay indoors, wrap up warm and close internal doors to keep the heat in; and, if you need support call the British Red Cross Support Line on 0808 196 3651.”
The also told people to look out for vulernable people during this period of cold weather, including the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, and those who live alone.