Keir Starmer is treating rape victims like trash (Image: PA)
You have to wonder if takes a “stupid” pill when he gets up in the morning. What else would explain the fact that every time he opens his mouth it’s to say something so grossly offensive, so ill-judged, so downright crass that it results in calls for his resignation.
The man lives with his big fat foot in his mouth only of late his cock-ups, his missteps, his misjudgments are becoming ever more dangerous.
This week he trumped his own “stupidity” record by slating all those voicing legitimate concerns about the victims of rape gangs of predominantly Pakistani heritage as “Far Right.” He also tried to smear people criticising him for refusing an independent inquiry into the scandal as “Far Right”.
It seems to be his standard response to situations he doesn’t like or can’t handle. He’s also accused the world’s richest man, , of spreading lies and misinformation after Musk accused him of failing to deal with the grooming gang scandal while he was head of the CPS between 2008-2013 and said he’d been “complicit in the mass rapes in exchange for votes”.
Starmer then went on to say politicians here (mostly Tory) calling for a national inquiry were “jumping on the bandwagon” of the Far Right.
I mean seriously? He just doesn’t get it. What kind of twisted mind believes it’s Far Right to care about and demand justice for those poor defiled, degraded girls from Rotherham, Rochdale and towns and cities all over this country many of whom were gang-raped by these rape gangs when they were as young as 11.
Anyone who thinks caring about THAT makes them Far Right truly is sick in the head. But if Starmer really does believe people voicing concerns about what happened to those girls makes them Far Right then I must be bloody Far Right. If wanting the vile monsters who raped and defiled these girls put away for life means I’m Far Right then again I am.
If wanting those who turned a blind eye to this evil in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness means I’m Far Right – then Yes, I am! And I suspect most of Britain is too.
got it right when he called Starmer “utterly despicable.”
What the Hell’s wrong with this man? He’s so naïve and daft he thinks just accusing someone of being Far Right is enough to shut down the conversation. Well, this week he’s discovered it damn well isn’t.
People are rightly calling for an independent inquiry because exposing the people who allowed the degradation of these girls to go on for years is the only way to stop it. And if no-one is named and shamed, if no-one is punished, prosecuted or held accountable then it won’t stop.
As one of the Rotherham victims, Sarah Wilson, who was forced to have sex with men of Pakistani heritage from the age of 12, said this week: ”Anyone who denies an independent investigation has a lot to hide.”
And she’s right.
So what is Starmer afraid of? Because in refusing to do the only humane thing he could do and hold an inquiry into why what happened to those poor girls was allowed to happen, it looks like he’s trying to hide something.
Why wouldn’t he want to get at the truth? Why wouldn’t he want to find out who turned a blind eye to this evil? Hell’s teeth there were thousands of young girls raped and defiled for years because people in positions of authority were too afraid to speak out about the ethnicity and the religion of the abusers – why wouldn’t Starmer want those people held accountable?
Because the very fact they weren’t meant the child rape gangs were allowed to operate unhindered for years and abuse the white girls they saw as trash.
And now Starmer and his weasly Government are treating them like trash by refusing to identify not just the abusers but those people who didn’t stop the abuse for THE most grotesque reasons of political correctness and for fear it would cost them their cushy jobs.
They didn’t want to be whistleblowing on people from the Pakistani community of Britain because it would explode the myth being perpetrated by those in positions of power that the multicultural dream was working and that all religions and ethnicities in this country always live happily alongside each other when the evidence is screaming that they don’t.
And Starmer’s refusal to have an I independent inquiry would light up that fact up like a Christmas Tree.
If he had a shred of decency, or if he meant what he says about this never wanting this to happen again – he’d allow this inquiry so that the people who DID turn a blind eye in the name of political correctness and to save their own miserable skins could exposed for exactly what they are.
We need to know the names of every chief, every councillor, every social worker, every academic, every charity worker, every politician, local and national who knew what was happening to these girls but did nothing. These people threw those vulnerable girls to these wolves who proceeded to devour them in the most horrific ways imaginable.
Why wouldn’t Starmer want to get to the bottom of all that? What decent human being wouldn’t? And what’s the betting many of those who looked the other way to save their cushy jobs are now living on big fat public sector pensions, living cosy, comfortable lives while those abused girls from towns and cities all over this country are still trying to piece together their shattered lives.
Starmer can scream all he likes about his record as DPP and about how every single case he prosecuted went to court and was looked at by a judge. But the fact remains a lot of what happened in those sex scandals happened on HIS watch. He was the boss. And if he damn well didn’t know – then he should have.
And now he has the chance to find out exactly what happened, to name and shame the people who allowed it to – and he’s refusing to take it. And we have to ask why?
What’s he afraid of? Because what it looks like is that he’s running away from an ugly truth that he might not be able to handle and for a former DPP whose job was all about the relentless pursuit of the truth – that’s not a good look.
Starmer owes those abused girls justice for the abuse, the atrocities that have forever blighted their lives. But you just know he doesn’t have the guts to do what it takes to deliver it!