After more than two decades of brightening children’s mornings and teaching vital communication skills, Justin Fletcher – better known to kids as Mr Tumble – has officially stepped back from his role on Something Special.
The announcement has been met with a bittersweet response from fans who grew up watching him.
Since 2003, Justin has entertained young viewers, particularly those with learning and communication difficulties.
Something Special uses Makaton – a language of signs and symbols – to help children learn how to express themselves to parents and carers. For many families, it’s been a lifeline.
Justin displayed an unwavering dedication to the role for the past 22 years.
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Justin Fletcher has played Mr Tumble on Cbeebies for 22 years (Image: BBC)
Speaking to the Ouch team in 2009, Justin described his commitment to children’s television as his “absolute dream”.
The presenter also made it clear that he did not see working on kids’ TV as a “stepping stone” to other, larger roles.
He added: “If children genuinely think you enjoy what you do, they will stick with you.”
In his own words, learning Makaton was a challenge, but one that he embraced wholeheartedly.
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The presenter made it clear he didn’t see working in kids’ tv as a gateway to other roles (Image: Getty)
Justin shared: “I had some fantastic teachers and was in very safe hands. My favourite signs are the animal ones.
“I did a sea-based show where I learned how to do the sign for a turtle: you place your hands on top of each other and your thumbs become the flippers.”
Over the years, Justin became a pioneer in children’s broadcasting, earning an MBE in 2008 for his contributions to the field.
The honour came after thousands of families petitioned for his recognition, to thank him for being a “communication genius” who bridged gaps between able-bodied and disabled communities.
Now, as the show prepares to enter its 14th season with new presenters Maddie Moate, Ben Cajee, and George Webster; Justin is full of optimism.
The trio have about continuing the show’s legacy, and promised to uphold its mission of inclusivity and joy.
Maddie described her time on set as “an honour and a privilege ”, while George Webster called the show “a huge part of my childhood”, having first learned to communicate using Makaton himself.