Slugs can ruin gardens in winter as plants as more vunerable due to the cold (Image: Getty)
January tends to be a quiet time in British gardens as the frosty weather usually means there is not much to do, but slugs can still be a nuisance if you do not take steps to deter them.
often hide underneath leaves and other decaying foliage in in winter as they tend to be warmer but will come out at night to feast on your .
It is incredibly important to keep away from your at this time of year as plants are more vulnerable due to the cold – and any new shoots beginning to grow will not survive if they are being munched on by pests.
Patrick Dolan, a gardener and founder of , has shared there is a simple way to stop slugs from eating up your garden by turning three ingredients into a homemade trap.
In a video online, Patrick said: “I’ll show you how you can make an inexpensive slug trap using items you may already have around the house.
A simple way to stop slugs is with flour, yeast and sugar (Image: Getty)
“This slug trap works just like a beer trap, but there’s no need to waste beer on slugs. They’re attracted to the yeast and carbohydrates in the beet, not the alcohol.”
A beer trap is an incredibly popular method amongst gardeners to kill slugs, and while it works it can be pricy to keep doing daily.
Instead, Patrick has shared you can kill slugs just as easily using a little sugar, flour, and dry yeast.
How to make a cheap homemade trap to get rid of slugs
All you need to do is mix one cup of water with one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of dry yeast.
Then you will need a plastic container with a lid such as a yoghurt or cottage cheese container.
Use a pair of scissors to cut horizontal slits around the side of the container, and make sure the openings are large enough for slugs to crawl through.
Slugs will fall into the trap and not be able to get out again (Image: Getty)
The slits will need to be in the middle area of the container so there is just a space near the bottom to pour the homemade mixture in.
Next, bury the container in the soil deep enough so the soil is up to the slits. Make sure to also bury the trap near any plants which you suspect will be targeted by slugs.
Pour the homemade solution into the trap and place the cover on top to keep the rain out.
Patrick said: “Just like with a beer trap, the slugs will be attracted to the liquid bait, fall into it, and won’t be able to escape after falling in.”
Check the trap every two to three days to throw away any dead slugs and refresh the homemade solution, otherwise, it can begin to smell bad.
However, this is a quick and natural way to stop slugs from destroying your garden without having to resort to chemical pellets which are not only expensive but bad for the environment.