Putin marks orthodox Christmas with calls for mercy (Image: Getty)
Vladimir Putin has marked Russian Orthodox Christmas by attending church in Moscow alongside fighters in his war against and their families – despite being responsible for hundreds of thousands killed.
The Russian dictator attended a midnight ceremony at the Church of St George the Victorious, evidently in a sign that he expects victory in a conflict which will next month enter its fourth year.
Putin – whose war has seen hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainians killed or maimed – told of the importance of “moral ideals and values as caring for one’s neighbour, mercy and compassion, and support for those in need of help and attention”.
He also attended a ceremony at Christ the Saviour Cathedral where he called on strongly pro-war Russian Orthodox patriarch Kirill to bless nine pectoral crosses and icons which Putin will present to his top nine commanders undertaking key war tasks.
Putin lights a candle of peace (Image: Getty)
“I congratulate you on the Nativity of Christ,” said the Russian President, who was flanked during the midnight service by fighters and their families.
“This bright, long-awaited holiday is dear to millions of people all over the world. It gives believers joy and hope, inspires good thoughts, deeds and actions.
“During Christmas, we clearly, with all our hearts, feel how important paternal, family traditions are for us, passed down from generation to generation.”
In the cathedral, the Kremlin chief told Kirill, 78, whose KGB codename in the Soviet era was Mikhailov: “Your Holiness, I would like to ask you to bless these crosses and icons.
“I plan to give [these] as a gift to all our commanders who carry out particularly important tasks in the [war] zone.
“I think that they will be especially pleased to receive these symbols of faith, especially those consecrated by you.
“And even more so on [Orthodox] Christmas Day…..during the Christmas service.”
Kirill blessed the crosses and said the icons carried the image of Grand Duke Vladimir, the “founder of our ”, who is Putin’s patron saint.
“So I think that it will be doubly sensible and pleasant for all warriors who will receive these images,” he said.
is continuing fighting Ukrainian forces both in the Russian mainland region of Kursk and in Eastern .