Donald Trump is right about Keir Starmer’s big mistake (Image: Getty)
‘s recent warning that the Government is “making a very big mistake” in its energy policy couldn’t be more accurate. As the US President-elect rightly points out, Britain should “open up the North Sea” and “get rid of windmills”.
This stark reality check comes as the UK Government continues its misguided retreat from fossil fuel production, gambling our energy security on unreliable renewables.
The Labour government’s decision to increase the windfall tax on North Sea oil and gas producers from 35% to 38% is nothing short of economic suicide.
This short-sighted policy has already driven major players like Apache to announce their exit from the North Sea by 2029, citing the “onerous financial impact” of the tax. We’re not just losing billions in tax revenue and thousands of jobs; we’re sacrificing our energy independence on the altar of green ideology.
‘s cult-like, Gaia worshipping, reckless agenda is tantamount to the deliberate deindustrialisation of our country. His blind faith that “the sun will shine and the wind will blow enough” is a dangerous gamble with Britain’s energy security.
What Red Ed fails to grasp is that all renewables require fossil fuel backup. You can’t power a nation on hope and sunshine.
Also, what is the massive dirty windmill decommissioning cost and schedule? It takes 15-20 years.
While we foolishly block fracking and North Sea drilling, we’re simultaneously increasing our reliance on imported gas, electricity, solar panels, and yes, even those bird-slaughtering windmills.
This isn’t just hypocrisy; it’s a direct threat to our national security. We’re outsourcing our energy production to potentially hostile foreign powers, all while patting ourselves on the back for our top-of-the-Net-Zero-class “green” credentials.
The hard truth is that no other major economy is shutting down its domestic oil and gas production.
We’re cutting off our nose to spite our face, losing £12 billion in tax receipts and countless jobs, only to import fuel from abroad. It’s madness of the highest order.
The direct consequences of tax and debt funded Net Zero madness are essentially blackouts and crushed freedoms.
Make no mistake: this isn’t about climate change. It’s about control. Red Ed’s agenda is nothing less than the installation of Communism through the back door. By crippling our energy sector and making us dependent on foreign imports, Labour is systematically weakening Britain’s economic sovereignty.
No ifs, no buts: we must reverse course immediately.
The UK needs a diverse energy mix from the North Sea, including oil, gas, and nuclear. We must attract investment across the spectrum to meet our nation’s needs and keep jobs, firms, and supply chains here in the UK.
sees what our own leaders refuse to acknowledge: that Britain’s retreat from the North Sea is a colossal mistake. It’s time to wake up, embrace our natural resources, and secure our energy future. Anything less is a betrayal of the British people and a gift to our economic rivals.
With Mad Ed at the wheel we are all on an runaway Net Zero gravy train heading over the cliffs to cold dark poverty.
Lois Perry is the Executive Director of the Heartland Institute UK and Europe