The film’s Polish director opted to recreate Putin’s face using eerie AI technology. (Image: AIO Studios)
The trailer for a bizarre new biopic about shows an embracing a glamorous young mystery woman and humiliating his wife.
The film, called simply: , depicts the Russian President’s brutal rise to power with the help of modern technology.
Polish director Patryk Vega hired actor and fellow Pole Slawomir Sobala to be the body of Putin, tasking him with mastering the 72-year-old’s distinctive “body language, his gait, and his way of entering a room”, as per .
Artificial intelligence was then used to superimpose the Russian ruler’s face on top, and puppeteer his likeness through the film’s various shocking scenes.
The result is a surreal tale that takes more than a pinch of artistic license, and puts foward the narrative that Putin’s ruthlessness may ultimately bring his own downfall as well as the implosion of the Russian Federation itself.
Describing itself as a “work of fiction based on fact” the film’s trailer shows Putin in various scenarios the Kremlin likely won’t be delighted with, including a striking clip of Putin quivering in a soiled nappy.
Another shows him flaunting his relationship with a young woman – presumably meant to be current rumoured girlfiend Alina Kabaeva – and coldly telling his crestfallen – now ex-wife – Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Ocheretnaya, “she is my new wife, I am erasing you from the history books”.
Putin split from Ocheretnaya in 2014, but always denied allegations that he had cheated on his spouse with the parliamentarian and gymnast.
He is not known to have remarried since.
Elsewhere the AI-Putin is apparently shown as part of a hunting party chasing women dressed as Playboy bunnies.
AI-Putin shown at the back of a depraved Playboy Bunny hunt party. (Image: AIO Studios)
Putin brutal invasion of and wild threats towards the West have led commentators to question his state of mind, but speaking to , the Mr Vega insisted: “Putin is not insane.
“He is a profoundly corrupt individual. Like any dictator, he has an immense ego,” he added.
According to the filmmaker, history demonstrates that any empire’s collapse “always starts from within”, Mr Vega continued.
“The army and government face crises, leading to localised conflicts that often escalate into civil wars, ultimately bringing down the empire,” he continued.
“Putin vividly remembers the fall of the Soviet Union when, overnight, Lithuania, Latvia, , and Estonia declared themselves independent nations.”
But as the third anniversary of the – war approaches, and relations between Moscow at the West at their lowest point in decades, Mr Vega said he believes world the most unstable it’s been since the Second World War.
He said: “When I hear futurists presenting singular visions of what lies ahead, I am outraged as a sociologist.
“The world is interconnected through politics, economics, and technology, with so many variables that predicting the future is nearly impossible.
“My film Putin offers a unique experience, bringing audiences uncomfortably close to Putin. It exposes the weaknesses of the Russian dictator, showing him in the most intimate situations.
“My goal is for viewers to watch my film and come to understand the rules by which this man operates. When we comprehend the rules of the game, we can mentally prepare for the future, and our fear diminishes.”
The Kremlin is yet to comment publicly on the film, which comes out in the UK on January 10.
You can read the full interview with Patryk Vega .