It is important to stay safe when driving in the snow (Image: Getty)
has issued for areas across the UK, with warnings of snow and ice impacting areas.
These weather conditions can really impact how we travel, causing major delays and unsafe driving conditions. have shared their top tips for driving safely in the snow.
The experts at Leasing Options explained the importance of knowing how to drive safely in the snow and ice as these weather conditions can lead to reduced visability, slippery surfaces and a higher risk of breakdowns or accidents.
Being cautious and preparing ahead of any journey is essential to stay safe when .
The experts’ first tip is to prepare your care for winter conditions – they explained that checking your car before setting off is vital.
Important checks include ensuring typres are properly inflated and meet the legal minimum tread depth of 1.6mm to maintain grip on icy surfaces. Drivers should also clear all snow and ice from windows, mirrors and roofs to make sure views are not obstructed.
Drivers are also urged to carry an emergency kit for winter driving. Mike Thompson, motoring expert and chief operating officer at Leasing Options, advises: “Wear warm clothes and pack emergency kit essentials like blankets, food, water, and a fully charged phone. Carrying items such as a shovel, ice scraper, and de-icer can also help in emergencies.”
Once motorists have prepared for the journey, it is vital to drive cautiously – making smooth and deliberate movements. It is also advised not to use cruise control as it can cause unpredictable acceleration on icy roads.
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Drivers should make sure their views are not obstructed (Image: Getty)
Mike added: “You should decrease speed, accelerate slowly, and avoid hard braking. Ice and snow can cause your car to slip, so avoiding any sudden movements will keep you safe.”
The last piece of advice offered to keep motorists safe was to actually understand snow warnings. A recent poll by the company found that only one in five Brits feel that they fully understand what the alerts mean.
The provides detailed information about the meanings of specific yellow warnings, including why an area has been issued the warning and what to expect.
Leasing Options says knowing how to interpret and respond to the warnings can make a difference between a safe journey and a dangerous one.