Kevin Maguire and Andrew Pierce on Good Morning Britain (Image: ITV)
TV presenter was slammed on Good Morning Britain today as he rushed to defend and his latest NHS plan.
Guests of branded latest political move “a mistake” today (January 6). The ITV show, hosted by and Ed Balls, welcomed regular faces Andrew Pierce and Kevin Maguire as they discussed the latest news from the government.
It comes as announed that he and his government will launch a plan to deliver millions more appointments across the NHS in a bid to reduce waiting times to 18 weeks over the next five years.
Under the new plans, patients will be able to get direct referrals for tests and scans for a range of ear, nose and throat, gynaecological, urological, bowel and lung conditions – without seeing a consultant first.
The plans are also expected to outline that thousands of patients in England will also be offered a “same-day service”. This means getting follow-up consultations on the same day as their scans or tests, enabling more people to start treatment or get the all-clear quicker.
Ed Balls was hit with backlash on GMB (Image: ITV)
But the discussion caused tension in the GMB studio, with Kevin Maguire calling out the plans as a “mistake”. It came as Andrew mentioned the issues of social care and the government planning to build a report on the matter in 2028.
Kevin cut in saying: “Which I think is a mistake! That’s too long. I mean they could do this within a year, you could do it by the end of the year and have the recommendations.”
Ed then interrupted to try and play devil’s advocated, as he said: “Is there any justification for waiting three years?”
“You know why they’re waiting,” Kevin responded before continuing: “You’re saying ‘let’s have free social care’ but it’s got to be paid for. How are you going to be paying for it?”
Fans at home rushed to social media to complain about the conflict on-screen. Posting to X/Twitter, one user shared: “The same stale overpaid presenters and commentators.
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The hosts discussed the latest plans for the NHS (Image: ITV)
“We are not being well served by any of the morning shows. Time for a refresh in fact it’s long overdue. Maybe #c4 could launch a breakfast news programme. #gmb #skynews #bbcbreakfast”.
Another added: “@PusbJim @GMB It’s always a free for all. That’s why I rarely watch @GMB now. The programme is rubbish and there’s not one decent presenter on it either! #GMB.” While a third agreed: “@GMB have a bit of decorum on that panel.
“Disgusting treatment of each other interrupting and talking over each other. Remember what time it is, people don’t want to be hearing that in the morning. Almost need a grown up there to mediate the conversation. #GMB”
“Ed Balls bias squirming to stand up for Labour. What happened to unbiased reporting?” asked another while one more person shared: “Impossible watch now, having Balls on is ridiculous when his wife is Home Secretary, total overhaul needed on this programme new presenters etc.”