Frankie the Frenchie is causing quite a stir (Image: Kenny Brown / Manchester Evening News)
Frankie the Frenchie is causing quite a stir. His owner, Danielle Myers, can’t take him for a stroll without being stopped due to his extraordinary size.
The five year old French bulldog tips the scales at an impressive 26kg, turning heads wherever he goes. Danielle believes Frankie might just set a world record as the heaviest large French bulldog known globally.
Living in Eccles with Danielle, Frankie weighs as much as a small adult deer and is considered “unnaturally big”. At just a few months old, Danielle noticed Frankie was “very long” and had sizable paws, and since then, he’s only continued to grow.
The massive mutt’s size has made him a local sensation, and now Danielle, a 37 year old working in training and recruitment for the travel industry, thinks Frankie could dethrone the current heavyweight champ of Frenchies – a supersized pooch from Australia.
Diaz, also known as Daddy Diaz, currently holds the title of the biggest French bulldog in Australia at 22kg and has aspirations of global recognition. His owner, Aden Bedot from Sydney, knew Diaz would be a ‘big boy’ from six months of age, reports
“He’s always been big; as a puppy, he was very long with big paws. I never thought much of it.” (Image: Kenny Brown / Manchester Evening News)
At his last check-up, Diaz weighed more than double the average for his breed, which typically sees males at 20 to 28 pounds and females at 16 to 24 pounds, standing about 11 to 12 inches tall.
At a hefty 26kg and growing, Danielle reckons her pooch Frankie could snag the title from Diaz, contemplating to submit his name for the Guinness World Records. She shared: “He’s always been big; as a puppy, he was very long with big paws. I never thought much of it.”
“It must be every other day someone says, ‘Oh my God, that’s the biggest French bulldog I’ve ever seen.'” “People ask if he’s crossed, but I’ve got papers from both his parents. He’s not from a breeder; a family bred him. He was the fattest lump from the litter.”
“He was the one who wasn’t picked, the only one left. I remember we went to see him, and all the other pups were running around playing, but he was sat watching them.”
“He had an ear infection so I took him to the vets; it was the heaviest he’s weighed at 26kg.”
“I thought, ‘Let me see how big the biggest French bulldog is,’ the Aussie one was 22kg and one in Newcastle was 24.6kg.”
Despite his size, Danielle describes Frankie as a gentle giant (Image: Kenny Brown / Manchester Evening News)
“It wasn’t until he was about nine-months-old that he was long and getting heavier and heavier. I was like, ‘Please stop growing! ‘” Despite his immense stature, Danielle describes Frankie as a gentle giant, a “big softie” who adores cuddles and forgets his size as he tries to snuggle on her lap.
Notably, Frankie has become quite the celebrity in Salford, often being recognised on their walks. “We were in town before and even the kids knew his name,” Danielle recounted.
“They shouted, ‘Frankie! ‘”.
“He’s a typical Frenchie, he’s got all the features. He’s all muscle and he’s about the size of a Staffie.”
“He’s abnormally big but he doesn’t think he’s big, he thinks he’s a lap dog. He’s a big softie and he’s proper cuddly.”
“People stop me all the time. I get asked what I feed him; I don’t overfeed him, he’s just on dried food, no special diet or anything like that. He’s just unnaturally big.”
Danielle said he’s a “typical Frenchie” (Image: Kenny Brown / Manchester Evening News)
“Sometimes I travel for work, so I have someone look after him; they always say people keep stopping us because of his size.”
“There’s no official record for the biggest French bulldog but my dad has told me to contact the Guinness World Records. Anyone with a French bulldog is amazed when they see him.”