Dawn Neesom spoke to Dougie Beattie in Northern Ireland (Image: GB News)
viewers were left very unimpressed as they watched the latest live report on the snow chaos around the UK.
Presenter Dawn Neesom spoke to reporter Dougie Beattie from the studio as he came live from a snowy road in Newry in Northern Ireland.
Dawn said: “That looks very Christmassy, and I can’t actually say it’s the twelfth night, it’s two weeks too late isn’t it?” as she tried to get hold of Dougie outside, with severe delays between the pair.
He said: “Yes I can hear you now,” as he went onto describe the heavy snow Newry was experiencing, adding the roads were “very treacherous” as he warned people to be careful.
Dougie then asked the camera to turn so he show how much snow had fallen around him, calling it “beautiful and picturesque”.
Dougie Beattie warned of danger on the roads (Image: GB News)
Dawn then replied: “But obviously there has been major travel disruption in northern parts of England, do you know anything about that?”
Dougie then admitted that the snow that settles will keep causing disruption for the next few days as he said “take your time, plan for your journey, and drive carefully on the roads”, as many aren’t treated.
He added: “Even if you see a gritter in the morning, please double check before you set off,” explaining that grit may have melted.
Viewers were unimpressed with the segment as they took to social media and the GB News website to claim the weather was being “sensationalised”.
One said: “Good grief. Its a bit of snow in January. Why the climate emergency nonsense?”
Another added: “This is in no way extreme!! If snow isn’t coming half way up your calves it’s not worth talking about. We are just catastrophising everything these days. How ridiculous.”
A third chimed in: “In my 75 years I’ve seen once in a lifetime weather on about 75 occasions. Weather who would have thought it.”
A fourth raged: “For god sake its a bit of snow.. remember the 60s. 70s and 80s. We just got on with it. Bloody eejits. People this day are you soft and pampered.”
But one praised: “Well done Dougie, your out in all weather, look after yourself.”