Chinese zodiac: Astrologer shares ‘luckiest day’ in January for every animal sign (Image: Getty)
In the , there are 12 signs, each of which is represented by an animal – and legend has it that people born under that sign have similar traits to the animal.
The Chinese Zodiac includes pigs, dogs, roosters, monkeys, sheep, horses, snakes, dragons, rabbits, tigers, oxen, and rats. Each animal ‘rules’ a year in a 12-year cycle.
While the is almost over as the approaches on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, an astrologer has suggested that the month will bring some extra luck to certain signs.
Sharing her astrological insights with Your Tango, and tarot reader Valeria Black revealed the “luckiest” dates for each of the 12 zodiac signs in January.
She said: “In the last month of the Year of the Dragon, remember that the journey is more important than the destination. After all, isn’t it great when we sometimes reach the destination without realising it because we are focused on making the journey as amazing as possible?”
The Year of the Snake runs from January 29, 2025, to February 16, 2026 (Image: Getty)
Valeria believes those born in the Year of the Rat (1948, 160, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) should lean into nostalgia and gastronomic experiences this month. She suggested trusting your gut to lead to great experiences and a joyous Chinese New Year.
The luckiest day for love falls on January 24 for the Rat, with good fortune touching friendships on January 15. Careers will be notably lucky on January 17.
People born in an Ox year (1949, 1969, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009) should also focus on their subconscious and intuition this month. This applies to all forms, whether a night dream, daydream, or meditative thought. According to the astrologer, keeping track of your thoughts in a journal may help you make sense of everything and lead to “fated experiences” this January.
January 28 is a notably luck day for love, while January 29 marks a good time for friendships for those born in the Year of the Ox. Career-centred luck can be found on January 19.
Those born in the Tiger years (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) may overcome a specific fear this month. Self-care should be prioritised to ensure success later in 2025. As for the luckiest days, Valeria says January 23 is lucky for lovers, January 25 is for friendship, and January 29 is for careers.
According to the astrologer, fated experiences are likely this month. Fallen feathers on your path or fallen flowers, as you walk under trees, are all signs that something is heading to those born in Rabbit years (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011).
Those hoping to be lucky in love should mark January 18 in their diary. Friendships may be touched by good fortune on January 15 and careers a day earlier on January 14.
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Chinese New Year is different to New Year dates observed by the Gregorian calendar (Image: Getty)
The year of the Dragon is almost over, but lucky days will play out on January 13 for love, January 12 for friendship and January 9 for careers, says Valeria Black. She warned people born in Dragon Years (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988 and 2000): “Now’s your chance to make the most of the prosperous energy here to do your bidding. Golden objects boost your intentions, especially when placing a golden dragon on your work desk.
“This is the month you decide what the rest of the year will be focused on, so don’t skip this intention-setting session! It will pave the way for you to utilize all the astrological energies over the next many months.”
January 2025 marks the transition from the Year of the Dragon to the Year of the Snake. People born in Snake years (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001) should work smarter, not harder, to ensure a successful year.
Generosity is a focus for people born in Snake years this month. As for the luckiest dates, love and friendship will have their moments on January 9 and careers on January 17.
Valeria urged: “Horse, think about who you want to be in 2025 and use that as a guide for the coming months. January will set the tone for you, whether you want this year to help you unleash your inner warrior, find the inner guardian, or relax.” People born in Horse years (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) may be lucky in love on January 24, in friendship on January 26 and in their career on January 29.
Careers are a primary focus for those born in Goat years (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003). While putting the effort in at work has paid off, Valeria suggests focusing on rest and fun in January, especially around the Chinese New Year.
She said: “Engage in the festivities and do your best to start the year with delight, creativity, and serenity in your soul.” Lucky days include January 25 for love, January 28 for friendship and January 27 for career.
Those born in the Monkey years (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992) may be lucky in love on January 25, friendship on January 29, and their career on January 17. Flowers will bring positivity in the days leading up to the Chinese New Year, says Valeria, who recommended adding a few dried petals to red envelopes as a token of good luck.
This month, letting go of bad habits should be a focus for those associated with the Monkey in the Chinese zodiac. Spending money more carefully is also advised.
The astrologer said: “Rooster, your for January 2025 is all about play, love, and trying something new as the new year unfolds! This is highlighted for your love life — creativity will do wonders for that romantic spark.” January 29 is marked as lucky for love and friendship on January 17. People born in the Rooster years (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993) may also be lucky in their career on January 29.
Valeria says those born in the Year of the Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994) should not let bad beliefs diminish their self-esteem this January. She noted that this is important when the Year of the Snake commences. Being surrounded by positive friends, even online, may help this month.
As for luck days, January 25 is marked for love, January 17 for friendship and January 29 for careers.