Orchids will ‘thrive’ and produce ‘gorgeous blooms’ by avoiding 3 common mistakes

Close-Up Of Orchids Growing In Plant

Orchids are tricky plants to care for (Image: Getty)

Orchids are one of the nations favourite indoor flowers, but the beloved houseplants can be tricky to care for.

need specific conditions in order to bloom, and one hs warned explains that a lack of flowering may be down to three common mistakes people are making.

Igor Podyablonskiy at said: “Orchids are known for their delicate and elegant aesthetics but they can also be temperamental when it comes to blooming. What’s more, most of the time, this lack of flowering comes down to three common mistakes.”

According to the expert, light, soil and watering are the three things orchid owners should look out for if they want to see beautiful blooms produced.

“By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure your orchid is healthy and thriving – and when you do, you’re more likely to be rewarded with gorgeous blooms that last the season,” he added.


Poor light exposure

One of the most common reasons that an orchid will fail to flower is insufficient light, according to Igor.

“This is because many varieties of orchid need bright but indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves but low levels of light hinders flower production,” he said.

A lightly shaded window is the ideal spot or you could invest in supplemental grow lights with a 12 hour light cycle for the right balance. 

He added: “Remember, orchids do need a period of darkness for rest so don’t keep them under artificial lighting for too long.”

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Incorrect watering

“Over or underwatering your orchid can put it under huge stress meaning they refuse to bloom,” said Igor. 

Orchids prefer to dry out between waterings so check the soil regularly. If it’s damp, hold off on watering as you’re at risk of root rot. 

He added: “It’s important to use room temperature water and avoid the ice cube hack (where you place an ice cube on the soil, instead of watering) as you’ll shock these tropical plants.”

Using the wrong soil

Orchids don’t grow well in traditional potting soil, the expert warned. Instead, they need a mix that allows airflow around the roots such as bark chippings or even certain types of moss. 

He added: “Be cautious of overfertilising as this can burn the orchid’s roots and impact growth.

“Use a balanced orchid fertiliser at half strength and only apply it once a month during the growing season.”

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