Many people travel from afar for the annual fireworks display (Image: Getty)
Thousands of people head to every year to watch the fireworks – but for some it was a surprising experience.
A group of people ‘waited hours’ on December 31 (Tuesday) to catch the display by Southwark Bridge, but were faced with misty skies instead. As they joyfully counted down to the new year, they could only see a glimpse of the fireworks behind the tall buildings.
One person from the crowd, Faheem, posted a video on of the disappointing view. Multiple people in the comment section said they should have realised they wouldn’t be able to see the fireworks from where they were standing.
In the video, Faheem can be heard saying “what a waste of time” and “four hours”, indicating how long he spent waiting for the fireworks. He also expressed his confusion when he said “what?”
He flipped his camera to show the other many excited people who also gathered on the bridge for the fireworks. Lots of people held their phones up ready to record the display, which they hoped they would be able to see.
After counting down from eight and shouting ‘Happy New Year’, there was a moment of silence while the crowd looked out for the fireworks before someone said “oh my God” when realising the only few fireworks they could get a glimpse of were hidden behind the buildings in the London skyline. The clouds lit up in a red colour reflecting the fireworks but there were none in plain view.
Faheem’s TikTok video has got an incredible 1.3million views, 24,700 likes and more than 3,000 comments. It has also been shared 11,000 times and been reposted on where it garnered 148,000 views.
People in the comment section of the TikTok video all had the same thing to say. One user commented: “There were signs on the bridge for a week, literally telling you that you won’t be able to see the fireworks from there and that it’s not a vantage point.”
Another added: “If you’re a Londoner you know not to go on that bridge,” and a third said: “I don’t get it, surely you would have seen that you can’t see the London Eye from where you are.”
The London New Year’s Eve fireworks take place in , near the London Eye and the famous tower clock Big Ben and by the River Thames. Southwark Bridge is a road and foot bridge on the other side of the river to the London Eye.
One TikTok user who saw Faheem’s video highlighted this as they joked: “Hey Benny! Looks like to me you’re on the wrong side of the river.”
Another user questioned: “Were you all expecting those buildings to just move?” A sarcastic person commented: “Normally the buildings get up and walk away so you can see from there, can’t believe they just stayed still this year.”
Someone else who saw the TikTok video said: “I don’t live in London and even I know not to stand on that bridge. Rule of thumb, if you can’t see London Eye, you ain’t seeing nothing.”