The Councillors held a press conference as 20 of them quit Labour (Image: Joseph Raynor/Reach PLC)
Sir has been blamed for a decision by 20 councillors to quit the party saying ” have abandoned traditional values” under his leadership.
The extraordinary decision by the in Nottinghamshire has seen a group with a “combined membership of 250 years” walk out on Sir Keir’s watch.
After forming their own Browstowe Independents party, the enraged councillors posted a statement on X saying “enough was enough” and cited reasons for the exodus including; cutting the , the betrayal of women pensioners, and the Government’s response to “genocide in Gaza”.
The damning statement continued: “This is Nor is it the Labour Party that Sir promised.
“The public were told to vote for change and all they got was more of the same – attacking the most vulnerable, to protect the interests of the rich and powerful.”
Former Labour councillor Milan Radulovic led a group of 20 leaving the party (Image: Joseph Raynor/Reach PLC)
the shock announcement was made by longstanding council leader Milan Radulovic and means that Labour is no longer the party of either administration or opposition at Nottinghamshire County Council.
Councillor Radulovic, who has led Broxtowe Borough Council on a Labour platform for over 20 years across several administrations, has jumped ship along with 19 of his fellow Labour councillors.
It means Labour no longer runs Broxtowe Borough Council, having only regained the authority from a state of no overall control at the May 2023 local elections.
The news comes as it was revealed nationally since winning the election in July, Labour has lost 33 council seats in by-elections across England, Scotland and Wales, and gained only six.
The councillors blamed Sir Keir Starmer for their decision (Image: PA )
Councillor Radulovic said he and his colleagues had not been elected to “blindly follow” government policy.
He told the : “I cannot support and will not support another centrist government intent on destroying local democracy and dictating national policy from a high pedestal.
“I believe the concentration of power in the hands of fewer people and the abolition of local democracy through the current proposals of super councils is nothing short of a dictatorship, where local elected members, local people, local residents will have no say over the type and level of service provided in their area.”
Broxtowe Labour Councillors said: “It is incredibly disappointing that some Broxtowe councillors have decided to leave the Labour Party and sit as independents when they were elected on a Labour ticket just over 18 months ago.
“These defections have no effect on the commitment of the remaining Labour Councillors in serving our residents.
“We, together with our Labour colleagues including MPs Juliet Campbell and Alex Norris, will continue to work to make Broxtowe a healthier, greener, safer and more prosperous place for everyone as change begins under this Labour government.”