She shared the Mercury retrograde dates for 2025 (Stock Image) (Image: Getty)
shared the Mercury retrograde dates for 2025, and the star sign Mercury will be retrograding through, so you can be .
People constantly take to social media throughout the retrograde saying they’re blaming everything that goes wrong on the planetary movement. And it’s true – things to seem to go awry during the few weeks they last for, from communication to .
“The Mercury retrograde period is a much-feared time of year when communication hits snags at every opportunity,” Inbaal explained, speaking on behalf of
“From going missing to unreliable Wi-Fi, including secrets coming to light and even typos in important paperwork, all aspects of communication can trip us up during the Mercury retrograde. Every year, three to four times, each time for three to four weeks, the planet Mercury appears to be going backwards in the sky. Naturally, planets always move ‘forwards’ along their regular orbit, but since Earth moves too, some planets sometimes appear as if they move backwards,” she explained.
Who is always impacted by the retrograde?
Two signs are always impacted by the Mercury retrograde, and those are ones of the most communicative signs of the zodiac.
The zodiac sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is why it is so chatty and sociable. Mercury is the planet of communication, so it governs quick conversations, introductions and commerce. Gemini is a quicksilver sign, quick to think and make decisions. During the retrograde, it will tend to question itself, slowing down its responses. Since Gemini is such a sociable sign, it will also be the sign that sees all their forgotten frenemies and exes popping back into their lives.
The planet Mercury is also the ruler of the star sign Virgo. This makes Virgo the kind of sign that everyone likes. Their communication style changes according to whoever they’re chatting to, and they can pick up languages and friendships easily. When Mercury goes retrograde, Virgo’s impeccable communication skills are impacted. At work, their perfect organising and filing techniques go awry, and the effortless way with which they make new friends may struggle. Virgo has an introverted side, and when the Mercury retrograde hits, they want to stay indoors.
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Retrograde one – 14th March to 7th April. Starting in Aries, ending in Pisces
The first part of this Mercury retrograde, until 29th March, is in passionate fire sign Aries. Therefore, Aries will feel personally targeted by Mercury. Since Aries are friendly, sociable, and outdoorsy, a big portion of their daily communication activities revolve around planning outings and activities.
Mercury retrograde puts a spanner in the works by ensuring their texts and messages are inexplicably delayed so they miss the notification when the meeting place changes. For everyone else, this Mercury retrograde in Aries could interfere with their fitness regime since Aries loves to keep active. Gym schedule changes or even surprise weather conditions will cause misunderstandings and miscommunications on the way to social or fitness activities.
Combat this by making firm, unchangeable plans well in advance. The second part of this Mercury retrograde, from 30th March, is in the romantic water sign Pisces. Those born under the sign of the fish will need to be prepared for this potential romance-shrinker by not taking things to heart. If they see a phone message that wasn’t meant for them, either ignore it or ask about it – don’t just carry the information silently and imagine all sorts of terrible outcomes.
Likely, this isn’t as bad as it looks, and you’d be better off knowing the full context of the message, anyway. For everyone else, this portion of the Mercury retrograde in Pisces would require similar preparation. This week-long love hurdle will be made up of unintentional communication mistakes by your loved ones but will pass before you know it. Remember not to take things too personally. Missed love emails or flower deliveries going to the neighbours aren’t intentional; it is the thought that counts.
Retrograde two – 17th July to 11th August in Leo
This Mercury retrograde is entirely in the sign of Leo, which is why Leo would be the zodiac sign mostly affected by this period. Leo is a sunny fire sign that wants to be liked. They love being on stage, facing an audience and being heard. A happy Leo is an appreciated Leo.
The period of the Mercury retrograde causes communication mix-ups and mishaps for Leo, and this could interfere with Leo’s social life, causing them to miss parties and gatherings. It can also negatively affect their work life if their devices malfunction and they can’t log into important meetings and last-minute Zooms.
For everyone else, the Mercury retrograde in Leo will be a time when their personal brand might suffer. Leo is a leader, and therefore, the Mercury retrograde in Leo could create havoc in leadership contests. There may also be rebellions and mutinies during this time, so prepare in advance if you are a leader, and make sure that your team’s voices are heard.
The final retrograde of 2025 – 9th November to 29th November. Starting in Sagittarius, ending in Scorpio
The first part of this Mercury retrograde, until 18th November, is in the adventurous fire sign Sagittarius, so Sagittarians will feel it most. Sagittarius is a free-spirited sign, committed to living life on their own terms. Big fans of travel and holidays, this sign longs to feel the wind in their hair and adrenaline coursing through their veins. During the Mercury retrograde, Sagittarians may struggle to make themselves understood.
Not many other signs understand their adventurous spirit, so when they talk to others, they have to slow down and be more ordinary. During the Mercury retrograde, this becomes harder and less effective. Disaster could strike if plane tickets are lost.
For everyone else, this Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius can create havoc when they try to book their holidays and Christmas journeys, so make sure you check out timetables and train costs ahead of time, or wait until after the retrograde is over to finalise the booking once you’re 100% sure all the legs of your journey join up.
The second part of this Mercury retrograde, from 19th November, is in the enigmatic water sign Scorpio, so this could cause mix-ups around Scorpio’s planning and communicating. Scorpios are individuals who love anything unique and unusual. They order their clothes, spices and furnishings from abroad or from small-batch sellers.
Therefore, during the Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, they might be left waiting for their online orders while those languish in a storage facility. Scorpio is a sign that keeps their private life private, so for everyone else, the Mercury retrograde in Scorpio could expose their secrets inadvertently if a friend glances at their phone at the same time a secret message flashes up or if their ex suddenly comments on their post.