TV Licences could be free for all pensioners (Image: Getty)
State pensioners are calling for the BBC TV Licence to be made free for all pensioners of any age with a petition to the government.
Currently, the £169.50 TV Licence, due to rise to £174.50, is payable by state pensioners until they reach the age of 75.
But even then, over-75s only qualify for a free TV Licence if they claim Pension Credit, a benefit aimed at helping retirees on low incomes of £222 a week or less.
This of course is not automatic and must first be claimed from the and then the free claimed from TV Licensing.
Now, so that anyone who retires is given a free TV Licence automatically, like a free bus pass.
The petition, which currently has over 14,700 signatures, says: “We want the Government to fund free TV licences for existing pensioners and those who reach the official retirement age. When people reach retirement age, we think they should receive a state-financed free TV licence.
“Many pensioners live on the breadline with only the TV for company. With the cost of food soaring and utility bills ever higher, we feel there is a desperate need to provide all pensioners with at least this concession.
“We feel it is a double outrage that those who have given their all to this country in taxes and raising children have to pay a TV Licence fee and are only exempt if they receive means-tested .
“Meanwhile, some media figures draw huge salaries.”
The government is forced to respond to any petition which has more than 10,000 signatures, while those topping 100,000 have to be debated in Parliament.
Currently, TV Licensing says: “You can apply for a free TV Licence if: You, as the licence holder, are 75 years or older AND, you, or your partner living at the same address, receive .”
To access the petition, go .