Soften towels by adding 1 natural item to the washing machine that is better than vinegar

Picture of towels in the washing machine

Your can get your towels soft and fluffy again but adding two natural kitchen items to the washing machine (Image: Getty)

Towels that become stiff and scratchy to the touch can be frustrating, but before throwing them away, there is a simple laundry method to make them soft again. 

It may seem bizarre, but the biggest mistake people make when washing their towels is using fabric softener, according to the experts at Linens Limited.

They said: “While fabric softeners are great for softening clothes, their effects on towels are the opposite. Fabric softeners leave a residue that gets caught in the towels’ fibres, causing them to harden.” 

While fabric softener is designed to make clothes soft it has the opposite effect on towels, and the soapy build-up will make towels less absorbent. 

The best way to restore towels to make them fluffy again lies in your kitchen cupboard, as simple white vinegar contains acetic acid which makes it highly effective at breaking down soapy residue that makes them lose their softness. 


Picture of someone turning on their washing machine

Put white vingar in the drawer of the washing machine and after the cycle is done add the baking soda (Image: Getty)

The expert said: “Adding a cup of vinegar to a wash with your rough towels can remove the residue left by fabric softener and return the towels’ fibres to a softer state.”

However, white vinegar itself may not be strong enough to get towels soft again on the first wash and may need to be washed several times, which is why you will need to add baking soda to your washing machine as well. 

The expert said: “Similar to vinegar, baking soda is used in a number of alternative cleaning methods. Add half a cup of baking soda to your wash and it will react with any softener residue and dissolve it. In addition, it may eliminate certain odours accrued from dampness.

“Using baking soda may be a better option than vinegar for those worried about odours and contamination, as it is a more neutral substance that will not linger in any noticeable way.”

Baking soda is abrasive, which means it will enhance the effectiveness of white vinegar to break down fabric softener buildup in towels so the fabric is clean and soft. 

What is amazing about baking soda is that it is alkaline, so it will help to neutralise the pH of your washing machine water and a more balanced pH which will relax the towel fibres to make them fluffier. 

Picture of soft towel coming out of the washing machine

Make sure to place your tumble dryer on a low heat setting to dry towels afterwards (Image: Getty)

How to properly wash towels to get them soft and fluffy again

To begin, check the label of your towels to see what temperature is best to wash your towels in and how long they should be in the washing machine. 

The expert said: “If your towel does not have a label on it (or it is no longer legible) you may be able to find a similar product made from the same material online and follow the appropriate care instructions.” 

Then, add a cup of vinegar (240ml) to the detergent drawer of your washing machine. Use a regular laundry detergent but do not use any fabric softener. 

Turn the washing machine on and run on a hot wash cycle, making sure to follow the laundry instructions on the towel label. 

Once the wash is done, put the towels on a second rinse and add half a cup of baking soda (120g) to the washing machine drum with your towels. 

It is better not to add vinegar and baking soda together on the same wash as it can cause a foam reaction which can be annoying to clean up. 

Your towels should come out of the washing machine completely restored. Then all you have to do is hang them up to dry or put them on a low-heat setting in a tumble dryer. 

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