What’s in store for your star sign this year? (Stock Image) (Image: Getty)
Don’t you just wish you could see into the future sometimes? Well, thanks to celebrity psychic and astrologer , you may be able to do just that.
It doesn’t matter what you are; she has predictions for everyone because we know that you’re trawling social media for astrology memes which may give you a glimpse into your love life, , and even a general 2025 overview.
So, grab your favourite drink, to your star sign, and be prepared for what 2025 has in store for you.
Love life: Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is in your sign between the 4th of February and March 27th and then again from April 30th to the 6th of June. During those dates, love is central to your life, but it also includes a retrograde which brings ghosts of love past to visit.
Career: The Solar eclipse in Aries on March 29th brings some hidden intel to light. Someone who’s been on your side all along, despite looking like a competitive foe, turns out to have exactly the contacts you need to create a career boost.
Money: That same Solar eclipse also means that previously hidden funds will be made available for you to create a new business venture. Perhaps a side hustle at first, this could grow to replace your income.
Things to look out for: During the Venus retrograde in Aries, watch out for old flames and secret admirers of yore, making themselves known and expecting a medal for it.
General themes for the year: Between the Venus retrograde and the Solar eclipse, stacked so close together on top of your birthday, this year calls on you to give great consideration to the past while you make big decisions for your future.
Love life: Venus, the planet of love and beauty, visits your sign from 6/6 till 4th July, meaning love and romance will appear in your life. Venus is your ruling planet, so this will feel natural and delightful to you.
Career: For the first six months of the year and then again for the final two months, you’ll want to make big changes around your career, to the point of burning bridges if they stand in your way.
Money: Uranus, the planet of rebellion, goes retrograde in your sign for all of January, then again from 29th August till the end of the year. This means that some investments go awry, so curb your rebellious streak around finances.
Things to look out for: For four months, between 7/7 and 7th November, Uranus, the planet of rebellion, leaves your sign, so you’ll feel a great relief and will get a chance to balance your emotions. However, during this time, you’ll be dealing with the fallout of your rebellion, and you’ll be comforting loved ones who felt sidelined during this time.
General themes for the year: Uranus, the planet of rebellion, spends the majority of the year in your sign, so your 2025 will include a lot of breaking free and standing up for yourself.
Love life: The planet of love, Venus, spends time in your sign from 26th May to 8th June, meaning you’ll be receiving extra attention and possibly a proposal during those weeks.
Career: No doubt, your career is in or around communication. This year’s three Mercury retrograde periods will challenge you to try different roles. The dates March 15–April 7, July 18–August 11, and November 9–29 are the ones to watch out for.
Money: Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be in the stable sign of Taurus for a short while between the 11th and the 25th of May. This is the time to ask for a pay rise or apply for funding for your project.
Things to look out for: You march to the beat of your own drum anyway, but for a few months, your individualistic streak receives a boost in the shape of Uranus, the planet of rebellion in your sign. From 7/7 to 7th November, this fascinating planet calls on you to deconstruct your current routines and try out new, unusual directions.
General themes for the year: Until 9th June, money will be flowing. Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, is in your sign, which will make financial matters much easier for you. Less so for the initial 5 weeks of the year, when that planet is retrograde, and so blocks appear.
Love life: Love planet Venus will enter your sign on the 31st of July, bringing romance, sensitivity and long walks towards the sunset. It then leaves your sign on the 25th of August, but love doesn’t have to end there. Keep up your new romantic habits so that you can enjoy love all year round.
Career: The lunar eclipse on the 13th of March happens in the neat and organised sign of Virgo, who loves hard work. This suggests your positive work habits have been noticed and will be rewarded.
Money: Amazing news! Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, enters your sign on the 10th of June and stays there for the rest of the year. It goes retrograde on the 12th of November, which blocks your good fortune temporarily, so that’s a good time to collect your winnings.
Things to look out for: Two lunar eclipses could spell noticeable changes. 13th March and 7th September are times of auspicious shifts but expect the unexpected.
General themes for the year: Jupiter, the planet of luck setting up camp in your sign from the middle of the year onwards, is the biggest news of the year for you. This luck is mostly around finances but could touch all aspects of life.
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Love life: Weeks of romance are predicted by Venus, the planet of love which blesses your sign from the 26th of August to the 19th of September. The Mercury retrograde in Leo could cause misunderstandings with a loved one, so be watchful from July 17th to August 11th.
Career: Mercury, the planet of communication, is in your sign for longer than usual, which means success around contracts, pitches and applications. This takes place from 27th June to 2nd September. Consider it a lucky career period, taking care to act either before or after the dates of the retrograde.
Money: On 24th June, the Sun, which is your personal ruler, gets really, really close to the planet Jupiter, which rules finances. This is a successful day for you and a good time to look into projects and investments.
Things to look out for – Exes will be trying to make their way back into your life during the Mercury retrograde, which is between 17th July and 11th August.
General themes for the year: Your love life and your career will be wrapped together, courtesy of the planets Venus and Mercury, which grace you with their presence from June to September. They overlap for a few days from 26th August to 2nd September which creates a harmonious feel in your life.
Love life: From 20th September to 13th October, love will waft through your life like a warm breeze as Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign.
Career: Your ruling planet, Mercury, which governs communication, is in your sign during Virgo season. Between 3rd September and 17th September, this planet makes sure that you’re talking to the right people, dealing with the decision-makers, and hearing the word ‘yes’.
Money: On 8th June, your ruling planet, chatty Mercury and wealthy Jupiter, the planet of abundance, are in the same area of the same sign for a short while. This adds some money luck to your 2025 fortune on that day, so schedule important meetings between 7th and 9th June.
Things to look out for: The Lunar eclipse in Virgo is on 13th March and will reveal some long-hidden mysteries. The Solar Eclipse in Virgo on 21st September will ensure that you have the edge over any competition.
General themes for the year: Three Mercury retrogrades will drag you through a rollercoaster of emotions as chance meetings bring exciting new contacts to your life.
Love life: Your ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love and beauty. In 2025, it spends a few weeks in your sign, ensuring that love is at the forefront of your mind. It brings you romantic blessings and interactions. From 14th October to 6th November, this planet’s presence creates an abundance of adoration and celebration in your life.
Career: Mercury, the planet of communication, is in your sign from 18th September to 6th October, so this is your time to shine. Get to the front of presentations, raise your hand during pitch meetings and make yourself known.
Money: Finances hit a high note on 12th August, when your personal planet Venus cosies up to wealth planet Jupiter in the sky. This is a day for success, so be open to receiving.
Things to look out for: Mars, the passionate planet of, war happens to be in your sign from 7th August to 21st September. During this time, you may find yourself embroiled in conflicts that are not of your choosing.
General themes for the year: Your ruling planet, Venus, governs love and the home, and it progresses just fine for the majority of the year, so you’re predicted a peaceful 2025 for the most part. It is the Venus retrograde period, from 1st March to 12th April, which brings upheaval. Balance and harmony are restored from 13th April onwards.
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Love life: The Mercury retrograde is in your sign for a few days, which means exes could be coming back into your life. Those dates are 19th November to 29th November, and you are excited to have a little mystery in your life in the shape of a secret admirer.
Career: This Mercury retrograde in November could upset your career when someone doesn’t understand the finer details of your work agreement because this retrograde creates communication mishaps.
Money: Personal interests like love, passion, and even a love triangle demand your attention, especially in the autumn. This creates a distraction, as you should be focusing on your bank balance instead.
Things to look out for: Mars, the planet of war and passion, is in your sign between 22nd September and 4th November. Conditions are perfect for winning a long-running conflict, but remember, you could also lose if you don’t maintain focus.
General themes for the year: Autumn time brings both passion, courtesy of the fiery planet Mars, and love, thanks to the romantic planet Venus. Interestingly, they don’t overlap, so it’s one at a time.
Love life: You love to be in love, and you also enjoy to be free, so your romance life is always a bit chaotic, which is a contradiction. The planet of love, Venus, is in your sign from 30th November to 24th December, but the planets for sexuality and communication only overlap Venus for part of those dates.
Career: You’re a free spirit and likely work in an adventurous industry where your creative personality can shine and your unique character can flourish. Even in the most open-minded environment, you’ll still need to mind your words during the Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. Between 9th November and 18th November, the way you speak could be hurtful to others, inadvertently, and could interfere with your career prospects as a result.
Money: Your ruling planet is Jupiter, which is the planet of wealth, and therefore, you always find success somehow. This planet is in retrograde this year from 12th November onwards, so that’s a time to be conservative with your spending.
Things to look out for: The few days of Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius are the days to watch out. Between 9th November and 18th November, any good intentions can backfire.
General themes for the year: For the first half of the year, your ruling planet, Jupiter, is in fun-loving Gemini, so you’ll be living large, but then for the second half of the year, your planet moves to sensitive Cancer, so you’ll be prioritising family and emotions during that time.
Love life: The seven days from Christmas to New Year’s Eve, known as ‘Betwixtmas’, are the exact seven days when Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign in 2025. Traditionally not a time for romance, you’ll find you’ve become very sought-after during that chilly, mixed-up week.
Career: In January, during Capricorn season, there are a few short weeks when Mercury, the planet of communication, is in your sign. Between 8th January and 27th January, all your planning and organising for the year ahead takes place, and you set your goals and hold all the meetings you need to get your vision off the ground.
Money: This isn’t a year to save up cash; this is a year to build a legacy. Write the book, invest in the land, and spend time with your family. Think of how you’ll be remembered in the future, and do that rather than earn, save and spend.
Things to look out for: Your ruling planet, mature Saturn, will be retrograde from 13th July to 28th November, which could cause slow changes, such as promotions or house moves, to flow even slower.
General themes for the year: The most special thing about this year isn’t where the planets are for you, but where they aren’t. Pluto, the planet of transformation, has been in your sign for 20 years. For the past couple of years, it’s been popping out regularly but always came back. This year, there’s not a trace of Pluto in your sign, and you’ll be relieved and possibly a little bored because constant transformations won’t be disrupting your flow.
Love life: For only two days, right at the start of the year, the planet Venus is in your sign. This planet governs love and relationships, so you kick off the year well. After those two days, it’s up to you to keep the romance going; the planets won’t help.
Career: From 28th January to 13th February, planet Mercury is in your sign. This is a planet of communication and so new contracts, unexpected emails and possibly even job interviews will be on the cards.
Money: Your ruling planet, rebellious Uranus, starts the year in stable Taurus. This placement speaks of good financial sense, but it changes its mind on 6/6, going into fun-loving Gemini instead. This planet retrogrades back into Taurus from 8th November, which may create money blocks until the end of the year.
Things to look out for: Between 4th May and 14th October, Pluto will be turning retrograde in your sign. This means that some positive changes may be blocked or delayed.
General themes for the year: Pluto, the planet of transformation, will be in your sign every day of this year. For the past couple of years, it’s been popping in and out of Aquarius, creating cycles of transformation but not a committed, unbroken step. Now it is here, and you’ll find lots of opportunities to commit to permanent changes.
Love life: Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign twice this year, so you may have to make a love choice. From 2nd January to 4th February, Venus goes directly into your sign, so all is predictable. Then, on March 27th, love starts up again, but this time, Venus is retrograde, so an ex will be back and looking for attention. By April 30th, when Venus waves goodbye, you’re pleased to see it go.
Career: Mercury, the planet of communication, is a big influence on business and work. This planet will be in your sign from 14th February and will bring new opportunities and contracts till March 3rd. Then it comes back on 30th March and interferes with new ideas. It leaves you well alone on 16th April.
Money: Throughout the year, financial dreams come true, but the pace is slow. This is because Neptune, the planet of illusion, and Saturn, which creates slow changes, dip in and out of your sign together.
Things to look out for: The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 7th September gives you a flash of things to come. You’ll be introduced to a helpful character who could help you leap towards your ideal future.
General themes for the year: You slowly put your dream life together this year as two planets come together. Saturn, the planet of karma and Neptune, the planet of illusion, are both in your sign for the first quarter of the year. One by one, they leave you, Neptune, in late March and Saturn in late May, but then the pair returns – both in retrograde. So, this dream life meets snags and delays.